The Tufted Ears of an Ocelot

I saw Foreigner play in the Meadow Lands with Bryan Adams on the 83 tour! That was a kickass show! I totally copped this feel off this passed out broad when they were playing Urgent!

I thought his role in Shirt In A Can was legendary

I thought he did a fine impression of a street hockey player :(

Similar to how I feel. Really, this season is probably about as close to a "day in the life" scenario (that many of us often claim we'd be "happy to watch") as we could realistically get for a show like this. It might not be as pulsating, but it sure is fun.

Wear the grudge like a crown
of negativity

The overwrought pronunciation of some of the words in the garden tickled me greatly. And I laughed way too hard at the last line of her song, when she said "lover to lohver" to complete the rhyme.

I assumed there was a Kevin Clash element to the Elmo joke.

The Brack Friday joke is kind of an "easy" joke, especially by South Park standards. Still made me laugh.

I thought it was funny and remarkably stupid enough to merit a few more viewings.

Hahaha… yes… super tiny!
(looks around nervously)

And then he probably took a pill to forget his problems.

I enjoyed it the first time around, but didn't think it was great. It blew me the second time around though.

The big bad had a thing of yogurt when they were dumping out Michael's booze. Can't say why I noticed it, it was a split-second shot. Maybe it was because I was eating yogurt at the time.

I thought it was a good episode. I was interested in what happened and wasn't just watching out of momentum. Plus, Flying Man and The Man with the Horn-Rimmed glasses.

One of my favorite things in the summer was coming home from football workouts and cooling down by watching SNL reruns on Comedy Central. I wasn't sullen and mopey however. I was… whatever the opposites of those two things are. Or maybe the middle ground between sullen and mopey and the opposites of those two things.

@Scrawler2:disqus There are a precious few that I thoroughly enjoy. G&D is at the top of that list.

I got your park right here, its name is Ramsett Park
and its gates are open from dawn 'til dark

I love when Jeff admits stuff like that. Like when he calls the phone sex line or played up looking like Pocahontas so people would call him pretty. Though I guess I should have kept a tighter, heavier lid on that.

it was one of those Community episodes where I didn't laugh too much but enjoyed enough where that was OK. Also it had "Greendale Is Where I Belong" at the end, which I just adore. I will say I did not care for the half-brother, who was too cartoony for a relatively grounded storyline.

Did someone call me?