Fake Chinese Robert Plant

That joke definitely wasn't up to scratch.

That joke definitely wasn't up to scratch.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Su… per… man….

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Su… per… man….

I've found the Silver Mt. Zion project to have diminishing returns—He Has Left Us Alone… is one of my all-time favourite records and I love Born into Trouble…, but after that they started to lose me—and I really didn't care for Yanqui U.X.O., either, but after three listens, Allelujah is exactly what I wanted from a

I've found the Silver Mt. Zion project to have diminishing returns—He Has Left Us Alone… is one of my all-time favourite records and I love Born into Trouble…, but after that they started to lose me—and I really didn't care for Yanqui U.X.O., either, but after three listens, Allelujah is exactly what I wanted from a

NBC is so incompetent at running a network, I totally believe they'd cancel a show they don't even have.

NBC is so incompetent at running a network, I totally believe they'd cancel a show they don't even have.

Real talk: I'm mostly a lurker, but this is by far my favourite community on the Internet. People here are compassionate, reasonable, and thoughtful, and operate in good faith to a degree I've never seen on a site this size. And all of this with what appears to be an incredibly light hand on the mod-hammer.

Real talk: I'm mostly a lurker, but this is by far my favourite community on the Internet. People here are compassionate, reasonable, and thoughtful, and operate in good faith to a degree I've never seen on a site this size. And all of this with what appears to be an incredibly light hand on the mod-hammer.

…but you will flag me first.

…but you will flag me first.

Thanks, bro. Could I get a light, too?

Thanks, bro. Could I get a light, too?

I really thought Cookie Monster was a lady.

I really thought Cookie Monster was a lady.




What the fuck happened in Brick that was darker than Bruce Willis shooting a five-year-old in the face?


What the fuck happened in Brick that was darker than Bruce Willis shooting a five-year-old in the face?