Fake Chinese Robert Plant

I think that was a pesticide duster, not an irrigator.

I think that was a pesticide duster, not an irrigator.

@avclub-e56eea9a45b153de634b23780365f976:disqus I had that exchange (and that scene) in mind when I wrote my comment, because it's a cheap, ugly shot that requires an unambiguously negative connotation of the word "whore"—the idea of it—on both ends of the conversation. Which pokes a couple of holes in my theory,

@avclub-e56eea9a45b153de634b23780365f976:disqus I had that exchange (and that scene) in mind when I wrote my comment, because it's a cheap, ugly shot that requires an unambiguously negative connotation of the word "whore"—the idea of it—on both ends of the conversation. Which pokes a couple of holes in my theory,

And thematically, it's the exact opposite of how Inara feels about Mal, hence her decision to leave: she's so afraid of becoming intimate with him that she won't (or can't) try.

And thematically, it's the exact opposite of how Inara feels about Mal, hence her decision to leave: she's so afraid of becoming intimate with him that she won't (or can't) try.

See, and I thought a "petard" was some kind of undergarment (I suppose by way of "leotard"), so being hoist (which I assumed meant "lifted") by (sic) it was like getting an atomic wedgie. But up a flagpole or a mast or something.

See, and I thought a "petard" was some kind of undergarment (I suppose by way of "leotard"), so being hoist (which I assumed meant "lifted") by (sic) it was like getting an atomic wedgie. But up a flagpole or a mast or something.

They have so much to teach.

They have so much to teach.

I don't think Mal has a moral objection to the exchange of sex for money. He flat-out tells Inara that he's hostile towards her profession (vocation?) because he sees it as dishonest: to him, a Companion is just a pretentious prostitute. It's the (perceived) pretension he holds in contempt, not the prostitution.

I don't think Mal has a moral objection to the exchange of sex for money. He flat-out tells Inara that he's hostile towards her profession (vocation?) because he sees it as dishonest: to him, a Companion is just a pretentious prostitute. It's the (perceived) pretension he holds in contempt, not the prostitution.

I do! I do!

I do! I do!

He actually did only have one nut, though. The Allies autopsied him.

He actually did only have one nut, though. The Allies autopsied him.

You can't, like, own a quadrant, man.

You can't, like, own a quadrant, man.

He'll always be "Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel's Chris O'Dowd" to me.

He'll always be "Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel's Chris O'Dowd" to me.