Fake Chinese Robert Plant

No, me Spartacus!

"I don't know enough about that to really formulate an opinion."

Harry Potter still has to destroy his horcruxes.

Dumbo is a weird fuckin' movie to watch for the first time as an adult. I'd probably take a lot of it for granted if I'd been exposed at an early age, but as a 30-year-old? Holy shit. The jive-talking crows. The psychedelic tripout sequence when a baby elephant gets drunk. A baby elephant gets drunk.

LGBT people aren't a minority group?

Fat Mike played on "Unconditional Love" and "FUCKMYLIFE666." Laura recorded bass on the rest.

Oh god damn it.

Todd tends to grade shows against themselves. This was an excellent episode, but Archer's A-game is stuff like "Stage Two" and "Lo Scandalo"—Todd's judging it on a pretty steep curve.

The bold blocks of colour accenting the end credits have gone all grainy, too. I love it.

How dare you insult that big-chinned everyman and his various African-American band leaders!

The BBC is going to kill their golden goose franchise because they feel beholden to a throwaway line from the Nixon Adminstration? Sounds legit.

When she puts her hand on the Make the Volcano Erupt lever next to Tennant's, because she won't let him bear that responsibility alone, I fucking lose it. What a thoroughly earned moment.

Every time a bell falls, an angel gets his balls.

"Deeply haunted" is Jim Caviezel's bread and butter.

"Rascals" is not my favourite episode of TNG, but that might be my favourite joke in TNG. (Second favourite: any Worf/Keiko moment in "Disaster.")

Dorn and Siddig were both reasonably good-looking in the late 90s, but have you seen either of them lately? They get hotter every year. It's unreal.

The lady explained it at the beginning of the scene: he was killed in the crash; they brought him back before he started regenerating so he could strategically choose his next incarnation with their magic smoke juice.

The X-Files episode "Monday" puts an interesting twist on it: the only character who's aware of the time loop is neither Mulder nor Scully, but a one-off guest character they've never met.

*sigh* I wish they were balls.

Both Dana and the mayoral election probably depend on voice actor availability, which is a shame, because I'm anxious for them to pick up those threads too.