Fake Chinese Robert Plant

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus What?!
Jesus fucking Christ.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus What?!
Jesus fucking Christ.

Holy fuck. I downloaded that off of Usenet before the Web even existed.

Holy fuck. I downloaded that off of Usenet before the Web even existed.

If it's yellow let it mellow

If it's yellow let it mellow

It's cool how you're a dick to people.

It's cool how you're a dick to people.

Liked entirely for that semicolon-moreover combo you pulled off. Exquisite.

Liked entirely for that semicolon-moreover combo you pulled off. Exquisite.

Teodor, is that you?

Teodor, is that you?

I like that Simon's wardrobe evolves from high collars and brocade vests to nice-but-comfortable sweaters.

I like that Simon's wardrobe evolves from high collars and brocade vests to nice-but-comfortable sweaters.

When I first saw this show back in '03, Kaylee instantly reminded me of a friend I had in high school. She was incredibly compassionate and unfailingly cheerful, got along with pretty much everybody, liked having sex with dumb blonde guys—it's kind of uncanny, in retrospect.

When I first saw this show back in '03, Kaylee instantly reminded me of a friend I had in high school. She was incredibly compassionate and unfailingly cheerful, got along with pretty much everybody, liked having sex with dumb blonde guys—it's kind of uncanny, in retrospect.

I don't think Whedon ever said, but Tudyk's personal theory is that Wash probably would have flown for the Alliance if he hadn't spent the entire war in prison.

I don't think Whedon ever said, but Tudyk's personal theory is that Wash probably would have flown for the Alliance if he hadn't spent the entire war in prison.

Remember when Pam and Roy broke up and then Roy got super hot?

Remember when Pam and Roy broke up and then Roy got super hot?