gil mann

I think it's probably based on what it's like to be a woman around Terrence Howard when he's pissed off and eating ice cream

Yeah but, as the NYT implies in its headline and again in the story itself, it's super fucking crazy that anyone could have misgivings about how our government exercises military force yet not have personal animus toward the soldiers who have nothing to do with the decision-making.

Common misconception, but FYI, being a wingnut moron isn't like being a child molester — you're not required by law to go around making everyone aware of your proclivities

Okay, so I'd still kill Hitler first, but right after that I'd go to 1982 and check in on every poster who says it didn't scare them as kids, because there's no way, you buncha lyin' ass liars.

This was my instinctual answer too, but then I realized that the best thing about it is its Carpenterness, so even if someone "improved" every quantifiable aspect, it'd lose that heartbeat of dread that is PoD's raison d'creepyouthefuckout

That IS a gun in my pocket, AND I'm happy to see you!

"Good comment!"
"No it wasn't"

Spoken like a true fanatical devotee which Red Letter Media, just like Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, used specious nitpicking and unnecessary demonization to create an army of

Don't worry, he's just wrong is all

Pretty sure the Grit ad where it turns out door-to-door magazine sales were the source of Richie Rich's dad's fortune is the only time that comic ever made me laugh

lol you guys are still reacting to doctor unknown as though s/he's arguing in good faith and isn't an mra doing a ham-handed impression of an sjw smdh

Meanwhile, du Bouchet is Emperor Of Comedy, and only he gets decide what is and is not funny. Long may he reign!

I wish they'd retire the name but they probably can't afford to. That said, I think Sam Bee would be so much better than anyone else seems to think — when she drops the fake vanity (an integral aspect of her correspondent character, I'm not dissin') she's sharp as hell. I dunno about co-anchoring with Jones but I do

Not with your carrot! Also, I'm pretty sure the Tripp dude's kidding and I know Dennis Perrin is.

I love how people always talk shit about O'Rourke being past his prime, like left-of-center humorists aren't subject to diminishing returns as they age. Or for that matter, basically every artist in any medium (shut up Bowie, you rule-proving exception, you)

Mare enough.

Yeah, of all the meant-for-kids properties adults indulge in, OG Star Wars has gotta be the least red-flaggy, right? Wait, no, sorry, that's Muppets, but still.

The crown jewel of my SW collection is a box of off-brand* valentines — labeled "3D Star Wars Valentines," which they're not (I mean, yeah, technically speaking, flat objects don't exist in only two dimensions, but that's not what "3D" usually means).

Has-Been Mocked by Never-Wasses

It's not really a newsletter, just one of those throwing-star catalogs kids used to bring to school back in the day