gil mann

Not since a dog wrote CAT FUD on the dryer has a trap been so obvious

C'mon, the first Terminator holds up like a motherfucker (I'll go to bat for all his pre-Titanic output but I accept those films have flaws; T1 really doesn't, unless you count time-travel paradoxes as "flaws," in which case YOU have flaws)

And don't get me started on Paul Feig, with the white knighting allatime

Goddamnit NotADog, I'd planned on living a long, happy life of never giving this jagoff an upvote

Jesus Christ, she was an executive wearing a suit when the (one big pile of) shit hit the fan. Since she didn't have a pair of Tretorns in her purse, and likely didn't want to go barefoot in a jungle full of poisonous flora, she kept her heels on and kicked ass Ginger Rogers style. This is literally the least sexist

The loser? Jon-Erik Hexum.

This implies you stopped worshiping her at some point, I certainly hope that's not the case

I actually like it a lot but it only exists while I'm watching it, if that makes sense. Like, the way Hicks, Newt, and Bishop all die right off the bat works beautifully for the film, but I'll be damned if I'll accept that as the fate of the characters who survived Aliens.

Earthquakes Come Home for me, but the whole thing's great. And everything you see written about this band — weird, angular, proggy, inaccessible — overlooks one key fact: their shit's catchy as hell.

He was supposed to be the lead, but Batman Begins hit during production and artificially inflated Bale's stock. John Connor was originally written to be offscreen almost the whole time (lots of lines, but a scratchy voice on the radio kinda deal)

If he weren't so accessible, maybe? Like you could wait to see how this project turns out, or you could check which show in the Nerdist network's having him on this week

I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of, but at least I've never helped kickstart a documentary

The only candidate with the political will to address the Basselope gap



Agreed on the Hostels, but what's great about "extreme horror" movies in general is, they're perfect for lefties who resent conservatives for monopolizing moral panic.

I'd argue with you but Hostel Part 2 already did it for me

Yeah, this is why I never understood people who wanted a sequel. Love the flick, mostly for how coy it plays with "Security's" power set, like when he takes out the home invader by just grabbing on and not. Letting. Go. Does he have superstrength & invincibility? Maybe, or maybe he just thinks he does, and the

Hi, I'm the choir, I heard you were preaching to me?

Have a ponytail for way too long? You still can!