gil mann

Cosby further suggested that his comments in the Post interview “continue to be misconstrued in a way that can only call into question the fair-mindedness of certain commentators,” and reminded the press that it was the job of “all media” to “approach the story in a neutral manner—without a predisposition on either

Don't forget to reroute the encryption

That's a fair point, I just doubt that Deadspin trolls can hear you all the way over there

Neither, it's people who clearly never saw Pineapple Express

"I love you"

venture into new spaces and pursue other opportunities to connect with teens and leverage music as a passion point

Holy crap, I never realized that was him! I knew about ST:TMP but not my beloved Raiders rip-off that almost assuredly doesn't hold up but kicked ass when I was a kid.


And make myself more attractive to horny celebrities? No thank you!

Not looking for sympathy

Blade Runnerer

It's like a joke sequel, a movie-within-a-movie from a satire of Hollywood, like Ford'll be all "I used to hunt replicants. Turns out I am one" (hands pull into sleeves, gatling guns emerge)

Jesus Christ, most filmmakers wait until people've heard of 'em before peaking as artists

So she wouldn't see him shoot an elephant in his pajamas

At least one of his accusers said she was totally DTF and he drugged her anyway, which just makes my head spin. I mean, yeah, slipping someone a mickey as a means to overcome resistance is evil and all, but it's comprehensible, y'know? But Cosby apparently liked it better that way, which is some next-level misogyny,

My favorite Night Court joke was when they were trying to explain the concept of "oxymoron" to Bull:

It's actually because he's in the middle of a firefight and human flesh is more blaster-resistant than Stormtrooper armor

Lucas was really smart about keeping the names as non-OUTER SPACE! as possible. I mean yeah, there's Ben, Luke, Owen, etc., but even for the made-up ones there was a "no prominent Zs or Xs" rule.

Been trying since Angel Heart, haven't heard back yet

Y'know what I'm afraid of? I'm afraid he'll be fine on NBC and Larry Wilmore will be fine in the post-TDS slot, and it won't all be a huge clusterfuck that necessitates supernatural intervention by the TV Fairy, who, with a sparkly wave of her magic wand, changes everything back to the way it was