gil mann

Somebody on NPR today said Obama should've given Bush a preemptive pardon, 'cause it seems magnanimous but it confers criminal status. Not sure how that stuff works but love the passive aggressiveness of it

They're both big fans of Jay-Z's music, except in Geordi's case the musician's an alien and his name really is Jay-Z

I didn't even see this on the site, it was linked from Clickhole. I thought it was weird that they were taking such a hardcore shot at themselves this early but it honestly didn't occur to me that it wasn't a gag

You're right except for the part about it looking like Ron Swanson, it looks like Grumpy Cat. Oh, and except for the cute part

Nothing to add, just wanted you to get an affirmative response from someone who's not a gimmick or a troll or whatever this guy's supposed to be

Ralph Nader was a lunatic? Cynthia McKinney? Should I go on?

New addition to my ever-growing list of mental images that are funny for reasons I can't articulate: President Obama staring stonefaced at a grinning and pantsless Stephen Colbert for a full three minutes, then shrugging and responding in kind

More like screenwronger!

Why is Evil Xander using a chair as a desk

I thought that piece was cool and brave, it's why I started seeking out her writing. Big mistake on my part there

It could have been if they'd have included a "robust public option."

Actually it's about ethnics in flaming Fantastic Fournalism

Yeah, he surely didn't have any input, he was just hired as the public face of Cosmos because Druyan & co. were like "who's charismatic, authoritative without being overbearing, and has no idea what to do with their hands when they talk?"

This is the greatest exchange ever transcribed to print

Questioning the choices of a victim is not victim blaming

She stood up — in the stirrups — and said "YOU DID THIS TO ME!"

SCII: Revenge of the Innocent Man Whose Identity and Girlfriend Gyllenhaal Stole which the Filmmakers Seem to Think Counts as a Happy Ending but is Actually Pretty Fucked Up

I was surfing the web while watching the show (the direction and editing are way stronger when you're not looking directly at the screen, FYI) and apparently Oswalt's been getting into it with Adam Baldwin over gamergate lately — saw a reply to PO along the lines of "it's like Jayne doesn't even want a lanyard"

I keep reading BvS as BtVS and wondering what the hell is wrong with you people

I raised my head and stared into 'em — they're the eyes of a stranger!