gil mann

The baseball player?

Don't exaggerate, he was only the son of a hundred maniacs (which, granted, made for a good schoolyard taunt in flashbacks, but even as a not-particularly-bright kid I was like "so… the son of one maniac, then")

Nah, I bet he's abating pretty frequently these days

I'm with ya. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more on DVD now that expectation's not an issue, but I had a real problem with the fight scenes; giving a bunch of shlubs black belts was a) way too Scott Pilgrimy, b) introduced too late in the film for it not to be jarring, and c) unnecessary, given how easily-dispatched the

Back in the day, my mom took a picture of our dog that came out looking just like Bigfoot. He was running toward the camera, hind legs hidden by the angle, and his long, floppy ears looked (in the shot) just like arms bent at the elbow, and he had recently gotten an ill-advised "poodle cut" so he had that poofy tuft

Dude, your drumming is kickass


The Aristocryptids!

All I remember from the commentary is, Cohen didn't have a permit for that opening scene — the sniper attack — they just waited for a real parade, ran out into it, and filmed while their actors pretended to get shot (no squibs, and IIRC the whole sequence is totally bloodless).

Ladies and gentlemen, this man is for the birds!

Man, I found the sexism overwhelming, and I didn't even catch that part. I figured it was enough that a) Dench-M was an utterly incompetent leader who gets replaced by a dude, and b) Moneypenny was an utterly incompetent field agent who gets demoted to secretary. With all the women-getting-put-in-their place action

dresses with Keds is just wrong

No, but convincing your idiot readership that a proposed rec center in Manhattan is some kind of Jihadist spearhead is. Okay, technically, it's cynical demagoguery, but the racial element's strong enough that it still counts.

Or how about this: if you're gonna give something a negative review, just do that, don't be like "there's no reason to listen to this week's WhoTFCharted4Humans, except for something Dana Gould says about halfway through that might be the most brilliant thing anyone ever said about anything ever."

I did, but I was primed to, because it showed up a few nights ago in a PBS documentary about a historical tragedy. Not the time, sound editor!

That was the last time I even bothered trying to be a rebellious teen; my parents were really cool and supportive, and that kinda sucks when you're a suburban white kid looking to blow some minds.


I told you to speak your mind, Jack, but Jesus…

This Ain't The Patterson Film

Hey Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., you ever been mistaken for a show worth watching?