gil mann

He's hilarious in that, I just wish I could look at a woman in tight pants without hearing him say "ass like a 10-year-old boy!"

Janet Jackson's character's name is Justice. She fancies herself a poet.

It's a masterpiece, that album. 10,000 BC's great too (if it were possible to have A favorite song, Red House'd be mine) but it sounds, more or less, like actual rock music; PXR sounds like a cat in heat had a telepod mishap with a math savant.

I haven't commented in months, but you're worth booing.

Yeah, if you* think about it, the underage rape victims are the real winners!

I do mean Norbit, and don't call me Schur

He's a Whedonite too. I upvote that dude all the time, he's quite clever when he's not pulling that trolly "you sound angry" shit (which he'd probably stop doing if it didn't always work, ya chumps)

My problem with the guy is, he's so much like me (in terms of emotional issues, not artistic genius) that I can't help but sympathize, but see, I KNOW I'm a train wreck waiting to happen, so I keep my head down and my eyes on the fuckin' tracks. Harmon just barrels ahead, and it's so draining to see someone you have

Redacted because of course there are like a zillion "that ain't lake Minnetonka" comments that I would've seen if I had bothered scrolling down.

Oh, The Children (the recent one from the UK, I think it was put out on DVD by Ghost House) is wonderful. And it's a Christmas movie!

Shit, Lifeforce was an amazing experience in my den a few weeks ago; I love this movie (not to be confused with "I consider this to be a good movie"). Makes a great double-bill with Dreamcatcher if you like to loudly question filmmakers' choices in the comfort of your own home.

i loved Scott Ian's (from Anthrax) take on that: "Hey, bluenoses, thanks a lot for a) making me defend these cretins and b) giving massive publicity and unearned cred to the weakest hip-hop act in existence."

Wow, that was unclear of me. Yeah, that's what I meant, sorry—It sounds like I was calling him eye-candy too, but I meant the director (who was originally supposed to be a woman, so I can imagine even more intent where there is none) was all like "let's get an old dude and a young babe and have one of 'em in their

Yeah, true. I do love that scene in 1 where Natalie Portman's trying to have a conversation with him and cop an ab-feel at the same time. Putting Kat Dennings in a parka while Alexander Skarsgard ran around pantsless really struck me though, almost like a mission statement.

Oh totally, to the point where, during Dark World, I realized "oh, so this is what it's like to be a woman watching 95% of genre films—nonstop fetishization and none of it is aimed at me." I mean Jesus, Kat Dennings was in it, but her breasts weren't; now that's a chick flick.

It's so hard not to bite someone's style when they've got a distinctive voice, I swear O'Nealisms are creeping into my e-mails lately. This is why every single "humor" column in your college paper read like a poor man's Dave Barry (or just plain Dave Barry, but I was in college in the early 90s before he ran out of

I love that droids're built with pain receptors because hey, might need to torture 'em someday. Need info from a Gonk? Hot poker to the bottom of its feet!

I think you're one of those liberaler-than-thou release-valve-ranter-againsters, but depending on where the punctuation's supposed to go in your comment, you might be the opposite

It annoys me that she'll never in a million years be mine, but that's probably not what you meant

With that settled, only Luke Cage and Iron Fist need writers