gil mann

I don't believe in downvoting, so uh… your comment? Yeah, it's not good. Quite the opposite.*

Posted by someone who would refuse Kirsten Dunst's sexual advances.

You promised you'd never tell!

Isn't the pilot the Halloween ep with the scary as fuck witch who just keeps saying "trick or treat" into the peephole?

I'm picturing you sopping wet and out of breath—not that way—sitting at your computer like "ohhh, DON'T go chasing them!"

Not until his awful, awful promos leave me alone

You aren't allowed to read books anymore

I love when Helen Hunt's mom or whoever that was dying in a pile of rubble asks to be avenged. "You go get that… weather!"

Nah, the movie's flaws are Speilbergian, the book's are Chrichtonian (in the sense that the characters are technobabble delivery devices; it's nothing like the wingnut rabbit hole he fell down with Rising Sun and Disclosure. Incidentally, Prey sucks as a nanotech story but it's also somehow more misogynistic than the

I hate these guys

How long ago did that episode air? Because I haven't stopped laughing at Jon Benjamin's line reading since.

I am not making this up.

"Would you like me to lie to you now?"

That upvote just seems so wrong, like "YEAH they do!"

See it! Carpenter streamlines the story and makes it work so well you can overlook the fatal flaw of the killer car conceit (I mean, if you're on foot, maybe hook a left into the woods when she's chasing you instead of trying to outrun her on a straight stretch of pavement?). Christine's just Christine, an evil '58

Your penultimate sentence reminded me of a great detail from the commentary track—there's a scene when the heroes, having established what's going on, are watching the legions of pod people wander soullessly and dead-eyed through the streets of SF. It's incredible eerie.

His Achilles' heel was his Achilles' heel

CGIna bifida

Hey, my state just legalized gay marriage, and opponents insists there's some kind of "slippery slope" involved which will result in people being able to marry animals and, eventually, inanimate objects. Anybody know how much truth there is to that?

Oh yeah? Well, Season of the Witch just eviscerated HDTGM on its own podcast, How Did Paul Scheer Get Made?