gil mann

It's my 2nd favorite Halloween movie but my absolute favorite Halloween-the-holiday movie. I've got two copies that I lend out to as many people as possible every year, and to this day nobody's ever thanked me when they gave it back; this only strengthens my conviction that it's awesome.

This was the very next thing after "load more comments," and I was like oh man somebody'd better've corrected @Dirk Calloway by now on his My Noun with Romantic Overtones Prefaced by a Horror-Tinged Modifier mix-up

It's a really good site but the name's kind of a hump to get over. Also, Film Crit Hulk writes too many articles. I don't mean he posts too much, I mean he writes too many articles.

Never tell rev the odds

If I'd stopped reading at the penultimate sentence I would agree 100%

It's like trying to draw a caricature of Michael Berryman, but sure, go nuts

For years I thought it was sung to a woman, like "c'mon, baby, turn off the waterworks." But yeah, Bob was right, not getting laid sure does chase my blues away

Just a couple weeks ago I saw a huge stack of 'em at a flea market, paused to buy a Voltron for two bucks, and someone swooped in and bought all the FMoFl mags. Ha Ha! And by ha ha I mean God fuckin' damn it.

This is a little awkward since I just downvoted you, but uh… can I have it?

Yeah, it's not very good. Great premise and the actors do what they can, but the script's really arch and nowhere near as smart as it thinks it is.

To sort of reverse-paraphrase what Kurt Vonnegut said about Jon Stewart, she's hated by the right sort of people.

And don't forget those soda commercials!

Don't have to remember it, not with a VHS copy sitting right here. And yeah, it's legitimately good, it's not like Grizzly or whatever.

I should have kept a more mind

The short story's great and now I know there's a comic. Does he eat the kid's kidney in the comic? He'd better eat the kid's kidney in the comic.

Don't get too psyched, guys, the stuff they're restoring doesn't match up at all. Some of it doesn't even have sound. I mean, I still can't wait to see it, but it'll be a rough approximation of the experience it should've been.

this is like that Onion tweet about the Beasts of the Southern Wild kid

This gets downvoted? This?

fuck it, why not upvote this too while I'm at it

Dammit, I think I'm gonna break down and listen to this guy's podcast. That's not what scares me though. Y'know what scares me?