gil mann

they can see through each other’s eyes, and feel each other’s pain

I dunno if replies are screwy or I'm just dumb but what I said right above this was supposed to be below it

It's called Return of the Jedi is why. That's what he's wearing when he returns. I realize I'm making a leap but it's such a tiny one.

EDIT: Disqus, you have failed me for the last time

I just need to make clear that upvoting this should in no way be seen as a tacit admission that you're right

Right, because people scream when they commit suicide, especially space samauri. Y'know, if this were anybody other than Lucas I'd assume you're remembering that wrong, but it's not so I can't.

Same version as the old-school letterboxed (NOT widescreen) VHS tapes. For me it's the only way to watch, but I get where you're coming from, 'specially with Empire where they just spruced it up a little.

Okay, first off, that really is the correct response. And anyone who ever said anything raped their childhood is gross.

Adobe such a wiseass

They should've torn it down way before then, like, say, before filming began. To stop the movie from being made, see. Because—and I don't want to scandalize anyone—The Phantom Menace wasn't very good.

Well okay, I might've misread your comments, my French is pretty rusty*

It's not so much that they "feel like they need to defend him" as it is that they "read his entire comment and understood it rather than apparently skimming it for certain keywords and spending the afternoon loudly implying that he wants to fuck his niece"

As unfair as @Monkey_pants:disqus has been to @cappadocius:disqus in this thread, I refuse to give in to the temptation to downvote. I have my hippo dignity!

Welp, gotta motor

Outside of sports and nature shows, I so totally don't get the high-rez fetishists. As it stands, HD ruins the illusion of anything shot earlier than last week; at 2160 you'd be able to tell what the mood was like in the makeup trailer

I dunno, @avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus , I've got a Sansa and loading it up is phenomenally counterintuitive. But it was cheap and the only mp3 player I could find with a radio tuner, so in the basket it went (c'mon, people, public radio! It's like a podcast but with weather forecasts and without

On the commentary for either Transformers or Bad Boys II Michael Bay lets it be known that his assistants announce his arrival on set in the following manner: "Bay, comin' in hot!"

A friend mentioned not liking it, I responded by saying yeah, it needed to lose about 45 minutes of useless subplots, and if they'd stuck with the cartoon's origin story—the Transformers had crashed on Earth millions of years ago and woken up in the 20th century, at which point the ship's computer, which had been

Other Celebrities who did Horrible Things Because this Somehow Mitigates Polanski's Crime Thread!

that's what she booed