gil mann

To whoever downvoted this: you've made a very powerless enemy today

I did! …n't

The AV Club
Sounds like a depr… Christ, now I'm doing it


"Using your wrist to activate Lobot"

Yeah, "Armenians," right. And as soon as they misbehave or sass-talk they'll be Mymenians.

Pointless inventory after pointless inventory after pointless inventory!

(tenderly) It's… afraid of being downvoted.

Seriously, why is that on every comment system now? It completely ruins the vibe.

Aubrie Plaza, duh

There are three of him. He's hardly lone.

Apparently my parenthetical wasn't as bud-nippy as I'd hoped

You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me

What's weird is, on average, the girls doing hardcore porn are way prettier than than the ones you see in softcore flicks. I'm sure it's because the latter are professional actors (and this is where I nip the inevitable snide comments in the bud by pointing out that a) their jobs almost certainly don't suck as much as

forever asking where ninja, where ninja went

BACK COVER: @avclub-841e0cb6a6dd09486f7be20d9b476e17:disqus is the author of several bestselling comments, lives with his or her wife in Upstate New York, and is wrong.

Me too, and the hell of it is, I really like the guy and think he's a fucking genius (not saying that translates to the show—it's really good, not brilliant—but if you listen to him in interviews and whatnot, holy shit does he have a lot going on upstairs). I just can't stand seeing someone so hellbent on

EPILOGUE: nuh uh

It's pronounced "condominum," limey

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus And Cheney, and Limbaugh, and… well, pretty much everyone who accused others of treason for not supporting Gulf War II. At least P.J. O'Rourke admits it, not that it makes his recent output any less disappointing