gil mann

Yeah, you're a pussy if you don't want to sit on your couch watching athletes hurt each other. Kinda like how you're a pussy if you don't support sending other peoples' kids off to die in the Middle East. Oh, and you're also a pussy if you don't think it makes a whole lot of sense to carry a Glock 9 around just in

I assume it's DLM superfans who always upvote this guy's ill-advised, overreactive forays into the comments here, and if that's the case, y'all should know that you're not doing him any favors.

It's good, but it's still rough and much more of a family sitcom than it would become. Groening put it really well when he said that the jump in quality from 2 to 3 is arguably greater than that from 1 to 2, people just didn't realize it because the character designs stayed static.

I'll thank you not to refer to Princeton that way

I'm almost positive it was a commenter here who said something along the lines of "Brad Pitt always has the facial expression of a dog who thought he was being driven to the park but the car just pulled up at the vet's office"

Question for the fellas who simply must go on record as to whether or not they find a particular female performer fuckable—you do realize Melissa McCarthy would refuse your advances anyway, right? Because even if she was single she could do way better than you?

Either you don't know who Clark Gregg is or what sucks means

@avclub-9582a4486a56b2b30d8125d7c0701b8a:disqus Nah, he just looked hispanic; he was actually of German descent, with dangerously low blood pressure

I love Sci Fri in theory, but god damn it, I cannot listen to that show. Or more accurately, I can and do listen to that show, every single week, but I somehow manage to hear nothing. I basically walk around all day for a living so it's not like my attention's divided, but If you were to quiz me after an episode I'd

It's like the negative reviews on Podmass; "Bill Burr's show this week is a pointless waste of time except for this thing he says about halfway through that's so brilliant it must be heard to be believed. For completists only"

Whedon should make a movie that explains how seeing his father beheaded by a Jedi so traumatized the young Boba Fett that he grew up to not particularly care one way or the other about Luke Skywalker as long as he got paid

Big BANK Hank.

Can I be frank with you?

So to sum up: this newswire piece is poorly written, the works of Ayn Rand aren't.

On the other hand, if any right-winger could mistake Colbert for a legit fellow traveler, Mustaine'd be the guy

"Use the Force, Luke" never sounded so date-rapey

Mad About Shoe

Help us, Hope Solo! You are, if one translates your name literally, our only hope!

"Over my dead body"

I have no interest in your pedantry. In fact, you could say I'm totally disinterested in it!