gil mann

Flo from the Progressive ads has her own porn parody, you guys. I'm so totally not kidding.

When he first blew up I had this epiphany that I proceeded to share with everyone: "he's Eminem because he's chocolate on the inside, get it?"

Ha, I never even made the connection between this and The Bourne Ultimatum

If there had been a 7th season of Buffy it would've been worse than either of those, so it's a good thing there wasn't a 7th season of Buffy.

I often respond to "see you later" with "there is nothing left to see" and nobody ever gets that it's a movie quote. I used to explain the reference but now that I'm 40 it's like, eh, life's basically an existential crisis with snacks anyway

Oh, it's so good (I don't remember the divisiveness but it wouldn't surprise me—Browncoats were Nolan-Batfan levels of annoying). And it showcases something about Whedon that I find interesting—he's a crackerjack director except when he's really, really not. That whole nested opening and the third act are pure


Seriously, could that necklace be any more gaudy?

The science doesn't hold up (to put it mildly) but the way Wells handles the "evolution" of the subjects is hauntingly fucked up.

You owe me a new keyboard! You made me spill blood all over it.

Dude, those micromanaging types are the fucking worst. Like the ones that make you sign that (unenforceable) pledge not to declaw your cat—I mean, something like 1 in 12 cats gets a home; I'm against declawing in principle but I'm reasonably sure that Mittens would be happier living with people who fancy leather

And for us old people who don't listen to the hippity-poddity-casts, she was riff-tastic on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me."

Carpenter's my all-time favorite filmmaker, which just makes me hate this flick all the more. It's better than his remake of Village of the Damned, but that's it—it's even worse than Vampires (AKA Enough With the Goddamn Winches Already)

I hadn't heard any of that, but I do remember finding a "Marky Mark in His Own Words" book at the thrift shop, which brought me and my roommates at the time endless mirth.

Kids cried when Optimus Prime died

Seeing him on Charlie Rose with Oprah Winfrey was such a "Jonathan alters history" moment

I didn't dislike it, but I did leave the theater ever-so-slightly heartbroken. What drives me nuts is, not only were others not disappointed like I was, seems like everybody thinks it's Wright & Pegg's best.

I discovered Clarkesworld via that short story told from The Thing's point of view that made the rounds a few years back. Via this article, I discovered that Clarkesworld is not, as I had assumed, named in honor of Arthur C., but rather some Neil dude. Sorry, I mean Hugo Award winner some Neil dude.

Okay, whichever ethnicity can figure out what the hell this comment means gets to be Master Race of the Week

RE: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's arms