gil mann

What I don't understand is why an identity George Costanza assumed to meet women was allowed to direct this in the first place

Dude's a genius but he has got to stop using his third acts to make up for Dreyfuss's exit in Close Encounters. Which is pretty fucked up, to be fair—I mean, if you're gonna leave your family to go be with space midgets, okay, they'll probably be better off without your irresponsible,

SCHWIMMER TO NEIGHBORS: When… when were you… under me?

"Hi, I'm David Cohen."

The movie tries to make you ashamed of enjoying torture and horror

Fucking life, you know?

Good word choice; if you'd said something like "cumbucket," it'd be obvious that you're a stunted, misogynist creep who blames the objects of his passion for his own lonely existence as a chronic masturbator, but "whore" is general enough that hey, maybe you're just judgy!

Its the Batman fandom

If anybody asks, that was just a pity like, okay?

(in unison) Third Reich!

Damn it, even when I try to spend time on other sites, I end up back at the AV Club.

C'mon, ripping off The Strangers is like sampling Fear of a Black Planet

I assume I'm a little older than you guys (just FYI, fellas, your prostate will announce its intention to destroy you at 12:01am on your 40th birthday), so maybe the context inoculated me against the apparent diminishing of Scream's reputation, but when it came out in 90-whatever that shit was revelatory. Not as

I think that's just a bad shot of Wright, he's got kind of a slightly-less-handsome-but-way-less-STD-ridden-Russell-Brand thing going on

The women in them are characters and not obstacles? And don't say Keener in 40YOV, because "wish fulfillment" is not the opposite of "sexist caricature"

I would've considered this an overstatement if I hadn't just watched Paul

redacted because someone already mentioned shooting their gun in the air and going "ahhhhh"

Ha, I like to think she bolted at the first "better run, girl!" and then he's singing the rest of his plea to a rapidly-vanishing silhouette on the horizon

I uh… I like both those songs. Quite a bit. Sick of 'em, but I appreciate their pop craftmanship.

Okay, so you're coming at this from the exact opposite angle I thought you were, and since I don't know what a Trinidad James is, I'll have to bow out. I mean, I still say Simmons is due credit for making positive hip-hop commercially viable, but I haven't had the foggiest what's going on in the record industry since,