gil mann

Negative black stereotypes like… rapping? And DJing? And wearing track suits with gold chains? Yeah, he exploited those things the way Tolkein cashed in on the swords and sorcery craze.

Sounds like something you'd say

Time to leave the auditorium with said 200lb Miss Marvel, you mean? Otherwise you and I are very different people

Okay, but why is Pierce Brosnan being played by Lena Headey?

I hope it was obvious that I was cognizant of/agreeing with your sarcasm, I didn't mean to include you in the "you people" of whom I wonder with what the fuck is wrong, and this sentence is what you get when you tell schoolchildren never to end a sentence with a preposition

Aw, c'mon!

Okay, so my official position is that I'm disgusted with people calling Hillary's looks into question, just on, like, feminist principle and whatnot.

Oh God damn it.

STiCP looks like something I'd enjoy, but I'm wary of anything that shows up at literally every single thrift shop and yard sale, y'know? It's the same reason I've never read "The Kite Runner" or listed to Natalie Merchant's "Tiger Lily."

I was that picture, this past Halloween. Only way I could manage "Darth Vader on Rollerblades" while still maintaining the peripheral vision I require to not get flattened by traffic. And my dog was the Emperor, continuity be damned.

You must say that? Oh, I get it, you've been kidnapped, and since you don't know how to blink in morse code, you're stating an obvious untruth—this is like your "What's wrong with Wolfie?"

one was dressed more schlubby and a week or so unshaven, the other much more put together and well-groomed

I am NOT douching with any fucking Merlot!

Dude, you don't have to watch this show; if you wanna see hot asians in sexy schoolgirl outfits, you can just Google… uh… hold on, lemme check.

No, Morale's only Spidey in the comic book, he's still Parker in the musical

“The technical elements of the show are all in good working order,” show spokesman Rick Miramontez said, in what should be construed as a threat.

It's reductive and offensive to assume all vocal anti-gay bigots are closeted homosexuals.

Aw man, I came here solely to make a joke about Struzan's penchant for poorly-timed mercy-killings

Her presence in the same facility as Piper struck me as one of the more contrived elements of the show

You're right, that was really dumb. Thanks for the heads up!