gil mann

Hey man, he's just saying what we're all thinking!

I'll take Dirk's side here, since for some reason I can't just like his comment and be done with it. I know everyone loves "Rape Me" but to me it just sounds like "Teen Spirit" without the hook. But In Utero's my least favorite Nirvana album (might prefer it to Incesticide, haven't heard that one in ages), so there's

It's a real brouhiphop

I dunno, telling Death you're not afraid of him ain't exactly "mad props"

My fave diss track is "Sons of 3rd Bass," which rhymes "high voice, distorted" with a line about how, if Prime Minister Pete Nice were to discover that the fetus he carried were a Beastie, he'd have it aborted.

"Rapper's Delight" must drive you nuts

I still don't know what Bill Murray was gonna do with that spatula

Wow, I remember her doing that talk show as Catwoman. This was back before "time shifting," which means we had to actually watch TV shows while those shows were on TV.

Do we suspect there's some kind of connection between Whores and Glory?

God, I hope that missing apostrophe is just an oversight

Give yourself some credit for not posting "Fist!" Me, I couldn't have resisted

Ah crap, hadn't heard about Brolin. Shame, but I liked No Country and he was the best thing about MIB3, so I guess I'll have to defend him on social media #TeamCraggy

Guys, that's not a tattoo of Rhianna, it's got something to do with the Day of the Dead (the holiday, not the movie). Which people usually point out in an effort to defend him, but the thing is, it actually makes it worse, because getting a tat of your DV victim—while evil as fuck—could conceivably be seen as a way of

As allegory, Elysium is less risible than its predecessor, in that it doesn’t equate apartheid victims to slimy space bugs

Hadn't heard of this, but come to think of it, Carlin's "rat shit, bat shit, dirty old twat" cheer would sound amazing in Cosby's cadence

Or Tina could just FUCKING DO IT BY HERSELF, y'know, the way she'd be expected to if she were a man with 1/3 the wit and charm.

She hosted something fashion-industry-related years ago, right after "Bring the Pain" came out, and she paid off a setup about pink being the new black with "wait… I thought Chris Rock was the new black"

After all these years, you'd think I'd be able to hear the guy's name and not immediately spit out the words "pederast, actually!"

Cool story, bra

the story works better over time