gil mann

Don't listen to these gossip-mongers, there's a much simpler explanation: the Kool-Aid Man is also a redhead.

H8rs gonna spend months if not years recuper8ing

Christ, of course that's your username. There should be a term for this—Unified Theory of Unintentionally Ironic Pseudonymity or something—because you see it constantly in politi-blog comment sections, there's always something about lack of evidence for evolution in the fossil record from "TruthTeller" or support for

The best review I read of Transformers was a comment somewhere, possibly here. Something to the effect of "it's a movie in which the characters are inorganic extraterrestrials and they still killed the black guy"

I'd like this comment, but it's at 47 right now, and I won't be the one to ruin that

Man, I can't even understand a Carpenter fan not digging The Fog. I like to think I can tell when nostalgia's coloring my perception, but I dunno, maybe it had to get its hooks into you early? That shit was on TV every other weekend when I was a kid, and when I watch it now it just feels like home, more so than his

Oh, I'm so not dissing BTiLC; I actually like it more now than I did then (Kim Cattrall + puberty = lack of appreciation for supernatural kung-fu shenanigans), but my point was that Carpenter's second tier puts most 80s genre filmmakers' first tier to shame. #tierjerking

I'm not sure this "tier" conceit works so well with Carpenter. I agree with you that those four are his best (I love They Live but I don't understand how anyone too young to remember the Reagan years can sit through the damn thing, much less enjoy it), but they're, like, unfuckwithable masterpieces of their respective

You forgot to log in as Reposted Hemingway Rough Drafts

Wow, you're really looking forward to that new Neil deGrasse Tyson show

I liked this comment because there's no "hurl rotten fruit" button

I wish he would have chosen the targets of his obviously heart-felt donations a bit better

The Kwik-E-Mart is real… d'oh

I didn't realize Zimmerman took upskirt pics of that kid before he shot him

That's a theory in the same way that evolution's a theory, except in this case 45% of the country can't ignore the mountain of evidence

con dinero

Mary-Louise Parker to internet commenters: "Maybe not so much for you the talking"

So I just have to avoid this place for six more days, right?

Ford & Pfeifferer

Found a flaw in his reasoning, didja?