gil mann

The comment you're replying to is gone, so how is it I'm absolutely sure I agree with you?

he did drugs and he knew the dangers associated with said drugs

The internet: where beautiful women are judged and found wanting by men with the facial features and body-type of Madballs

Thanks, now my dick's stuck in a needle-eye. Oh well, at least… uh oh.

Not to give the guy shit*, but I was skimming this article and as soon as I saw that line about "giving new meaning to fish-eye lens" I was like criminy, I've read like two of Dowd's pieces and already I can identify his friggin' voice.

There are exactly two people on the face of the earth who have no right to talk shit about World War Z—John Russo and Christa Campbell.

Holy shit, the idea of lighting farts on fire out of malice is hilarious. Gimmick more than justified.

Yeah, but you're not getting paid to be wrong about it, so that's cool

Well, the straight-news equivalent of a film critic would be an op-ed columnist, not a reporter, so yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the careers of Richard Cohen and Ruth Marcus could weather the occasional misstep

Damn it.

REALLY uncomfortable admission: I like to sing the following to the tune of "Goldfinger":

@avclub-021aa8517f0c7c05ce41da6a787ab6a3:disqus When it first came out I thought it was "Of You To Kill," which made perfect sense to me

"I worked a lot of odd jobs when I was younger. I used to mow the lawn at a battered women's shelter… if you know what I mean"

I love Tool, but ZMF's description of them is so perfect: CHICK METAL

Can't really argue with that, though I do love "In My Dreams."

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus those aren't words

I meant to stick with it, but I zoned out a lot during ep. 2 and last night I forgot it was even on until there was only 10 minutes left. Figured I'd catch the cliffhanger, see if the show had improved any since last week, and just as I switched it on came this exchange:

oh fuck this

Honestly, I wouldn't even mind him that much—fuck I care, I can go listen to one of the other kajiliion podcasts out there—but the whole "make the guest say your stupid catchphrase" thing upgrades him from "not for me" to "for me to poop on."

I'm glad Sean summed it up so I don't have to actually read the thing. I mean sure, I'm flattered, maybe even a little curious, but I don't go in for these bookstore shenanigans.