gil mann

A Storm of Snickerdoodles

I got two words for this customer

Yeah, I love the movie, but the twist is second only to High Tension on the Holds-Up-To-Scrutinometer

MMT was actually pretty cool (though the most disturbing thing about it is that Brooke Shields is somehow hotter now than when she did Blue Lagoon) but your comment applies to My Little Eye

I dunno, a cartoon of the Village People in pink tafetta dresses, posing like the cast of Bridesmaids?

@avclub-aa854f5836947cdf62324ba7d74e1c43:disqus I heard that from a guy who actually worked on the show, but I don't know that he was any more privy to CTW's decision-making process than a civilian

Because we're not rough-hewn individualists like those hardcore ass-kickers who cry their eyes out and claim they're going to emigrate every time a Democrat-sponsored bill makes it out of committee, ya puss

Interaction from when I (a dropout) worked the register at a college bookstore:

I love your parents but I'd understand if you don't

last night I watched Prometheus and ya know what? It's pretty damn good

Yeah, but they're fuckin' it up for the people that's in the streets

There used to be segregated melted-butter fountains?

Ten bucks sez his next question is why YOU can use that screen name but HE can't

I don't know if I'd call her dumb—there's a brazen calculation to an atheist writing a "War on Christians" book. That's not "dumb" so much as "fuck you, you cynical, pandering, soulless monster wearing a human suit."

Under the Friendzone

2 Fast 2 Much Like 28 Days Later

No, you gotta see it, the part when he takes a swig is shot just like a soft-drink commercial, it's embarrassing.

Land is criminally underrated. The other two are just criminal.

Lindelof, huh? More like screenwronger!

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