gil mann

…I know.

Uh… you're not being sarcastic, are you? I've been saying for years that they've got the exact same facial structure, and nobody's ever agreed, beyond humoring me with a "sure, I guess." So it would mean a lot to me if your comment was in earnest.

If I were the man I was 12 parsecs ago I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this carbonite!

I've got a GREAT ASS! I mean a bad feeling about this.

This is as close as one can come to being off-topic while still being on-topic, but I suddenly have a overwhelming need to hear Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber pronounce "Erika Eleniak"

Yeah, thanks to that scene, DH2 held the record for onscreen kills for a while. (I guess because they specified the number of passengers before the plane went down, they weren't counting movies where a city gets leveled like in Godzilla)

Ice to meat you

often criticized for making too-obvious musical choices

Fine, he should've done that while Michelle Rhee helmed the prequels

"And my name means 'he who has no car,' so yeah, weird indeed."

I hate football and the ASPCA's the only charity I give to on a yearly basis, and I don't even really believe people can "change," but damned if I don't actually believe Vick saw the light. And if he's just playing along to save his career, well, he's doing a damn good job bullshitting, and he's reaching people who

I've also noticed that people who say things like "I would never hit…a woman" are exactly the kind of people who I can imagine hitting a woman.

I love that even a discussion about domestic violence on the AVC will eventually get around to nitpicking genre properties

The Yoder ya love to hate!

Before the inevitable corrections come rolling in, I'd just like to cosign the single-e spelling of "Wookie." I've got an ironclad explanation for why this is correct, and it's really tedious, but as long as you leave @avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus alone YOU SHALL BE SPARED

The sheer possibilities with the number of worlds is mind-boggling

Do or do not

No, this is my hair's natural color!

I can't even process the Hancock/Charlize Theron business until someone explains to me why a guy having his head shoved up his own ass needed to be accompanied by the "Sanford & Son" theme. I suspect the answer is "Peter Berg's really weird" but I gotta know for sure

The difference being you probably wouldn't wait for a chick to fall asleep and then do it. Or if you did you'd feel kinda rapey and ashamed.