gil mann

Having seen Baghead I must now disconnect the cable from my TV, for though I do not currently get HBO, it is better to be safe than sorry.

That's why they don't call it "copysing law"

Hey, I'll buy it from you right now! Shakespeare kicks a ton of ass in that.

Oh shit, that looks great. I guess they didn't want the vampires to clash with the deer.

Oh shit, that looks great. I guess they didn't want the vampires to clash with the deer.

that right there is anti-anti-wit

God damn it. After I spent all that time Googling the correct spelling of "Maggie Gyllenhaal" and "Malala Yousafzai"

Word, The Rock nails O's cadence. Pretty disappointed by Pharoah so far—he glommed onto the drawn-out "uhhhhs" at the expense of everything else. Armisen was terrible, but I gotta give props for that "Keep it Cool" video, that was pretty great.

I know a dog groomer named Bruce who's got a Tom Selleck 'stache. I may have tilted my head and let out a little "aroo?" when he introduced me to his wife

I'd never heard the word "barfly" when this came out, so when I first saw the title I thought it was an adverb

'Cause you'd have some experience for when the banks need to be bailed out!

Every time I hear "Fire and Rain" I think, jeez, what a waste of a good smack habit

What's weird is, they replaced that theater scene with one in which the gangsters shoot up an elementary school. Poor Gangster Squad just couldn't catch a break in 2012

Yep, screenplay by Rita Mae Brown

No, you get up here!

"…and while I'm escaping, why don't I just check out some of these discarded camcorders, because time's not of the essence or anything. Oh hey, here's mine! Do dee doo, fastforwarding through the… oh my God, the brutal killer whose clutches my friends and I are in sabotaged our station wagon!"

I guess that scene's more cinematic than one where Berkowitz's defense lawyer makes up the whole "talking dog" thing to go for an insanity plea, but then, Lee never was one for historical accuracy—it was actually a really lucky coincidence at St. Anna!

So fucking beautiful, and if they had filmed that ten minutes earlier or ten minutes later it wouldn't be the iconic horror image of the seventies. He's not dancing though, he's having a tantrum because she got away; Hansen perfectly captures that manchild rage/self-loathing.

So fucking beautiful, and if they had filmed that ten minutes earlier or ten minutes later it wouldn't be the iconic horror image of the seventies. He's not dancing though, he's having a tantrum because she got away; Hansen perfectly captures that manchild rage/self-loathing.

It really is well-shot, which surprises me every time I watch it—the griminess is so overwhelming it's all my memory has room for. Between this and Lifeforce (which might be the worst movie in my "endlessly rewatchable" file), I'm actually inclined to believe Spielberg when he says he didn't do that many reshoots on Po