Phallus Chilton

I'm gonna make you wear a little dress and hurt you.

It helps when they're actually funny, or jokes.

And thank you all for commenting today on… The GRAVE.V. Club! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

There are a lot of shows where if the death doesn't happen explicitly on camera, it's safe to assume the character is going to pop up alive somewhere later down the road (see Hannibal, Venture Bros.). Granted, this show doesn't shy away from killing off important characters, but it also has no issue with doing so in

"And, though it sounds good on paper, [Owl City's] collaboration with Hanson…"

I felt the same way about the ads, but ended up watching on the recommendation of my coworker (I work in tech in New York, and this show's prime demographic is nutjob sysadmins in NY). There are definitely cheesy parts (the monologue to the psychiatrist and anything involving the blonde girl's boyfriend) but it's so

Yeah, that's one of my all-time favorite movie moments. I have a big soft spot for incompetent robots!

Agree on a lot of what you said about Inside Out. I think the concept of personifying emotions is pretty hackneyed, and parts of the metaphor just didn't work in context… it's one thing to have them turn off, but when the the Goofball and Friendship islands dropped into the chasm, I thought, "wow, so she can never be

Do you mean RoboCop blowing up ED-209, or ED-209 falling down the stairs? I'd have to go with the latter, hands down.

That never happened on Clone High, you're thinking of Blossom.

I disagree that Sticky Fingers is the weakest of their big four (Exile is kinda overrated, and I think I'd take this over Beggar's Banquet on some days), but man, I listened to Moonlight Mile on a night exactly like MH describes and it was so perfect, and that's still the atmosphere this song conjures for me.

it was a satire of shitty movies.

I'll have what he's having!

This script has excellent mouthfeel.

Maybe they're trying to make Ramsey the new Joffrey, but that prick will never occupy that special blackened place in my heart.

I'm not saying it didn't make sense, I'm saying that after three (four?) pretty boring episodes leading up to it, it made me realize, "hey, I'm sinking a significant amount of time into a really unpleasant and tedious show." I am kind of tempted to watch that goddam zombie fight, though…

I stopped watching before the episode with the controversial Sansa scene for this reason. I'm not inherently opposed to depictions of rape in film, but after the first few meandering episodes of the season, it seemed like such a "fuck you" to everybody invested in the show. There are just enough shocks and big gory

The Met administration is a mess right now, and unless you want to be paying out the nose for a ticket you're going to be standing through what is often a 3+ hour performance. If you're in NYC, check out The Secret Opera or Loft Opera. Also, neither has a multi-million dollar endowment as far as I know, so they could

That's Hall and Oates, dumbass.