Phallus Chilton

You're the mensch now, dawg!

The A.V. Club

The screening I went to had a Q&A with John Marshall (the kid that rides his motorcycle off the roof [real stunt, by the way]), and he said that the reason for a lot of the injuries was that they had to act scared for the purposes of the movie. A lot of them later went to revisit all the animals on the ranch when

Can't a bro just tell his cool story any more without getting sucked into an AV Club axe-grindathon? If it's any consolation, I had my phone turned completely off for the full duration of Hannibal's harrowingly disappointing fifteen minute set. My palm stigmata are still healing.

It's funny because I saw him at a show in New York on Sunday and he was literally just reading jokes off his phone the entire time. (to be fair, he supposedly just got off a delayed flight and had the unenviable task of hosting the Webbies the next day or some shit)

I'm down to show my future children some dark shit, but making them watch a child get tasered in the chest verges on abuse.

All the Joker ever wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi.

The word hipster existed before 2010, so even if Patti Smith doesn't much resemble the current denizens of the Lower East Side it's not really wrong to call her that. I don't really agree with your notion that being a hipster and being a creative person are mutually exclusive, but whatever. That word really needs a

"I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot."

It's supposed to sound like "fasciitis", in case anybody is wondering.

What's worse is that The Den already used this gimmick, and it wasn't any good then either. Well, I didn't like it. HARUMPH.


Is that anything like being "blissed out"?

The fuck did he do?

I like a lot of "weird" and experimental music, but in the case of MGMT, I think they were good pop songwriters who let the success go to their heads. Obviously that's really subjective… I thought Congratulations was wanky and boring, but it does seem kind of unfair that it hasn't really developed the cult following

I usually do the opposite and get so excited about nailing the key change that I accidentally do it an iteration early and look like a total jackass when the real one comes.

Worst of all, it really fucks up my karaoke game.

His body confuses me.

Everything dies baby that's a fact / But maybe everything that dies can someday funk back

I saw this yesterday, and can say with utmost confidence that it should have been called Stupider Ass-Ending.