Lucky Dan

And they ran through the briers and they ran through the brambles and they ran through the places where a rabbit wouldn't go


Moist, Vimes, Igor, Vetinari, and Igor, in that order

As others have pointed out, Night Watch probably stands out as the absolute best. Making Money is my pick for funniest, and Good Omens (co-written by Neil Gaiman) is just a delightful read. I'd say all of the Watch novels are tied after that, though I'm partial to Thud.

Sorry, no. Original character from a role-playing game.

I've had two great experiences doing pass and play-
Limbo turned int a fun, hilarious experience where we were actually more engaged watching someone else play. Something about watching my friends' extreme discomfort and "oh god, what now?" had everybody laughing, and figuring out the puzzles in each level as a group

See, that's wierd enough to be really cool.

I honestly have no idea. The company definitely paid her up front.

I had a friend try and get me into this- the writing is painfully trying too hard, and I found the delivery just kind of annoying. But it's got that indie spirit. There seems to be a lot of fan crossover between Night vale and Homestuck, which is pretty telling.

I'm actually a big fan of the amateur, couple of dudes in a basement style podcast, at least when the dudes are skilled and knowledgeable. "Greatest Movie Ever" and "Digital Gonzo" are two really great listens, Gonzo especially. They had a really great episode on a while back about "nerd culture" and fan response

What monster showed you S1MoNE?!

I took a "History of Film" class in high school, and it was actually really awesome. We
watched the classics: Citizen Kane, Blue Angel, Birth of a Nation (with accompanying Serious Discussion); but also some really cool, out there stuff - Bad Taste, What's Up Tiger Lilly, Dazed and Confused, New York Stories. It

I had a 6th grade history teacher who was super into conspiracy theories. He showed us this one pseudo documentary in the vein of the modern day History channel. It was all about how aliens built the Pyramids and Nostradamus was a visionary who prediction all major world events. If I were being generous, I'd posit

I can't tell if this is an anti-thin women post or a pro-pedophilia post.

I had a friend who worked in blockbuster for far longer than is healthy. Apparently they based the number of discs they purchased on the film's box office revenue. While there's a lazy, corporate logic to that, it led to situations where they would have twenty copies of Transformers and maybe two copies of There

Evil Dead for the win! When I was younger, I remember the crazy chase shots scaring the crap out of me. The combination of sounds and the voracious, unyielding momentum of this unknowable horror is truly freaky.

Okay then. Fair enough.

The shaving subreddit has some useful information and polite users. The rest is all garbage.

I love the one where Strong Bad delivers awkward news via increasingly bizarre methods. They tell Coach Z they hate his speedo, via Strong Mad's tan. He takes it off, and an ominous black liquid begins filling the pool.
And any time Strong Bad got to interact with Homestar was comedy gold.

One thing that always killed me were the Halloween costumes. They were always so specific and perfect for the character, and they handled the reference humor the best way possible. It was rewarding if you were familiar with the source -which often times I wasn't- but was still funny as long as you knew the HR