
Judging by the beard, I'm guessing he previously auditioned to play the role of Osama bin Laden

Judging by the beard, I'm guessing he previously auditioned to play the role of Osama bin Laden

Yea, it can get pricey, I won't deny that. However, if you don't mind playing extended or legacy formats (read: non type 2), you can buy older cards from seller bots literally for pennies on the dollar. There's also the gold bordered format which is worthless and in unusable in tournents, but you can still play a good

Yea, it can get pricey, I won't deny that. However, if you don't mind playing extended or legacy formats (read: non type 2), you can buy older cards from seller bots literally for pennies on the dollar. There's also the gold bordered format which is worthless and in unusable in tournents, but you can still play a good

Since it wasn't mentioned in the article and I didn't immediately see it in the comments, wotc has a magic online client which plays like the physical game. The tournaments you play in even counts towards your dci points. It isn't quite the same as going to the local card shop and playing, but is still pretty fun, and

Since it wasn't mentioned in the article and I didn't immediately see it in the comments, wotc has a magic online client which plays like the physical game. The tournaments you play in even counts towards your dci points. It isn't quite the same as going to the local card shop and playing, but is still pretty fun, and

You're missin out, bud!

You're missin out, bud!

That shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as I did.

That shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as I did.

Wasn't she so hot in Taxi Driver?  Hey, you should read this great passage from Catcher in the Rye, it's my fav!

Wasn't she so hot in Taxi Driver?  Hey, you should read this great passage from Catcher in the Rye, it's my fav!

Maybe, 'Started reading the Torah in my neighborhood'
Or, 'Started praising Jehovah in my neighborhood'

Maybe, 'Started reading the Torah in my neighborhood'
Or, 'Started praising Jehovah in my neighborhood'

Just keep checking your bank account.  Any day now…

Just keep checking your bank account.  Any day now…

They must've been getting tired of listening to NIN and RATM

They must've been getting tired of listening to NIN and RATM

Last part needs some work, but i'll be printing money with this shit in no time.

Last part needs some work, but i'll be printing money with this shit in no time.