
I got Mark Lenard (original Spock's original dad), and John D. Lancie's autograph. I went to a few Star Trek conventions as a kid lol

I was named for some musician, but it wasn't Richards. I think it was like some shitty singer/songwriter that had maybe one hit.

… And everyone always calls you Kevin lol

Keith Richards. Worst first name ever to have because of him. I hate the guy who plays him, too.

But when you see Zafo and you're all like, "yo Zafo. What's up?" And he's all "nothin", you're all "That's cool", right?

This article was posted solely for the enjoyment of copying and pasting 25 seasons worth of text, wasn't it?

This article was posted solely for the enjoyment of copying and pasting 25 seasons worth of text, wasn't it?

Spaceballs: the Coffee Mug?

Black Moth Super Rainbow: the Movie?

Rolla Missouri.

Oh, and Louis Black once called it the shittiest place ever, so there's that…

My town was featured briefly in Jesus Camp! Yay(?)

I couldn't even watch the first 23 minutes of it, because the satellite couldn't access HBO, and i've been hitting refresh on HBOGO like the fool that I am. Fingers crossed for the second airing.

I think it will help with a really strong start, especially if the season finale ends strong.

What a jerk! Everythingisterrible is awesome.

Okay, it's '95 and Hilary is doing a bit of localized campaigning for her husband, and decides to show up on an episode of Tool Time to do normal people shit. Tim is doing his usual jackass schtick while Al acts weirdly friendly with Hilary. Al offers to help Hilary cut a board and while he's helping her, he grabs her

I'm very happy Leno had the courage to finally come out.

I never really wish a show would keep going on ad infinitum, but i'll make an exception for BSG. Despite all its shortcomings and silly plot twists, and moving the story forward simply for the sake of moving the story forward, It was a beautiful mess. So say we all.

I think my favorite Sisters of mercy song would have to be No Time to Cry, but i've always gravitated more towards instrumentation than lyrics. That said, the repetition of the word No while Eldritch sings the chorus is damn sweet.

You're right, it totally is on Vision Thing. My first introduction to Sisters was via a mix cd, and I still get confused about what's on which album lol