
I think he was more into the idea of having a band as opposed to a solo project, and having an already established bass player fit into that fantasy.. See also: Everything Billy Corgan has ever done.

I was kinda hoping this article would be about Dominion, but This Corrosion is a pretty sweet song too. Also the one that started with a slide guitar (At least I think it was on Floodlands).

And you're a superfan now, right? Right!?

Haha, I genuinely consider this sketch to be my gateway into David Lynch's films


Actually, Tom Hardy DID sort of play young Picard in Star Trek Nemesis. I mean, he was a clone of Picard, but y'know

I severely disliked The Crow, but The Cure's song Burn that was on the soundtrack was pretty fantastic

I agree that it's interesting to view, but the reason that usually happens is because the subtitle track translates the dialog more or less directly, while the audio track is an interpretation of the original dialog cut down or extended to fit the movement of the character's mouths.

Great film, (very) loosely based on the book Mount Analogue

It's my mom's birthday too!

I did.

Oh, and The Apple.

Last Ounce of Courage. Seriously, youtube the trailer.

Heh, I was actually scrolling down to post this very comment.

I can hear a difference, but unless it's something that just really matters to me that much, i'm fine with a good MP3
I think most of those people are just being snobs; cheap beer can be good too, y'know!

There's a copy on ebay right now that describes itself as sealed, it's also a reissue. Not sure if you're wanting something a little older or not.
Amazon has a bunch of copies too, but I didn't look to see if any of them are sealed or not

Heh, I just happened to receive my MBV record today.
Truthfully, I only buy vinyl for special occasions, like the new mbv album or if it's in my all time top 5. It's fun, but I still ultimately prefer CD/digital.

Hopefully i'll be next to GW Bush's head, i'm sure Iranians love a good GoT reference as much as the next tribe.

Ira-an, Iran so far away…

You can't print that!