
You would have to be of the "Polish persuasion" to find such a thing humorous.

You would have to be of the "Polish persuasion" to find such a thing humorous.

I think he was left inside of Pleasantville and had to fight his way out with the power of taking racial issues literally.

I think he was left inside of Pleasantville and had to fight his way out with the power of taking racial issues literally.

What, this movie didn't get an A++?  Call me surprised!

What, this movie didn't get an A++?  Call me surprised!

Maybe they're hoping to coast on the assumed success of Django Unchained

Maybe they're hoping to coast on the assumed success of Django Unchained

Though not deserving of that title, I do have a soft spot for that album

Though not deserving of that title, I do have a soft spot for that album

It reminds me of the Spinal Tap album review: Shit Sandwich.

It reminds me of the Spinal Tap album review: Shit Sandwich.

Definitely a reason to go home and drink.

Definitely a reason to go home and drink.

What an awesome sight, thanks!

What an awesome sight, thanks!

Phantom of the Paradise was pretty sweet.  Still one of the few musicals i'll actually watch.

Phantom of the Paradise was pretty sweet.  Still one of the few musicals i'll actually watch.

Nay, they are but men.

I'm inclined to make a Devil's Rejects reference, but nothing really comes to mind.
…Except for Tutti-Fruity!