
Hoping for the 'Vacation' episode from Sealab 2021, myself.

While can be good to have "quality control" up your ass in terms of creative thinking, Kricfalusi isn't exactly a hack…

Ha HA! You're so funny and witty, you could probably get a job writing for SNL!

Same with Watterson. And Aerosmith. Oh wait…

That explains the sword reference!

Thank god!
I was starting to get the sweats from a lack of Shnews!

The return of Ren & Stimpy was an elaborate piece of performance art. Kricfalusi probably got tired of dipshits going on and on about how cool it would be if he brought ren & stimpy back and how badass it would be if they could cuss and do everything only hinted at, and he gave them what they wanted. God help us.

The whole '20 years' pop culture trend is getting a little out of hand. Don't get me wrong, I love me some 90's, certainly more so than the 80's, but really? Come on, people! What are the 2020's gonna be like? A rehash of a rehash? They need to read Simulacra & Simulation….

Because I won't like the movie.


How is that like being raped?

@Avatar squared- I was referring more toward Anal Cunt And Earth, than Motorhead, but at the same time, while motorhead certainly is more recognizable than say, TSOL, they aren't selling tickets like Metallica does either.


Won't lie though, I hate emo and pop punk

Brown Noser!
I know you mentioned the bands in this article solely to impress and butter us snobs up, and you performed splendidly! I'd better be hearing about some damned Sunn O))) and Jesu…

At last, something to replace the commoner newsprints of GQ and Esquire that i'm given to read while on my yacht!

Nine Inch Nails are far too tight of a band to be beaten by They Probably Might Be Lame.


I'm pretty excited about the songs, some of them have alot of potential, but I wasn't really that big on any of the bands during the last Undercover, but my listening choices doesn't really include any indie rock. I remain cautiously, ah, something or another.