King Hodor

Really my biggest complaint with him is just a petty high-school-ish reason: I would like some of that nepotism in the entertainment industry for myself, please.

And may you be judged by the mistakes of your father, as well.

An angst-ridden cover of The Little Mermaid's 'Under the Sea' of course.

DC filming these three writers fighting to the death for the 'written by' credit would be at least…three times as exciting as this Aquaman movie.

I hear if you type his name five times in a comment he'll reply with 1500 words about the moral blight of 18th-century European aristocrats and how it relates to the films of Steve Guttenberg.

Together, we can teach the nation's kids about the history of harlequins.
Well, I'll have to be in more of a support position, seeing as how I'm not allowed within 50 feet of any schools, Toys R Us-es, or dairy farms.

This one he can leave as is:
A-I-D-A. Attention, Interest, Decision, Action. Attention - Do I have you attention? Interest - Are you interested? I know you are, because it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks. Decision - Have you made your decision, for Christ? And Action. A-I-D-A. Get out there - you got

Ordinary fucking couples, going to an ordinary fucking Valentines Day dinner and an ordinary fucking movie, so they can go home and do some ordinary fucking fucking.

The blood was definitely rushing away from the MPAA board members' heads during that screening.

How many under-13-y/olds even know what "harlequin" is, ya old fuck?
Sure, I was curious about the word as a child seeing my mother's Harlequin Romance Novels, but I don't know if they survived into the e-book era (most young moms don't keep paperbacks lying around is what I'm saying).

Is that the episode where McNutty gets drunk and fucks the fry cook on the burger prep counter while pouring McRib sauce over his and her naked body?

In all the pictures I was looking at last night….for research…she was very thin. And attractive.

Seriously. I thought when Not Another Teen Movie made fun of She's All That for doing said trope that finally put an end to it.

I'm still waiting on the Guided By Voices 'Tooth Tunes' toothbrush Newswire.

"Oh, you got friends/family/constituents, Princess?"
*long stare* "Naah…not anymore."

One too many weekend calls to his direct line. You know, that's what the answering service is for.

Free Press and Curl

I liked Snowpiercer.
Come at me, Internet!

Austin has a movie scene beyond Robert Rodriguez?
I know this is the internet so I need to clarify I'm asking non-sarcastically.