King Hodor


"Oh, no, everybody, look out, it's the claw!"
*AVC commenters smile through teeth and nod*

If I had a single-use time machine, and could either go back in time to kill baby Hitler or stop Lucas from using "Jedi Rocks," well, let's just say I would never need to leave America to make my decision…

Do you think the other Coldplay band members ever roll their eyes at Martin's ideas?
I bet they do.

As a teenager, Scary Movie 2 was one of my favorite movies.
Now, I'm more of a Scary Movie 3 man.

**watches that Black Swan scene for the gajillionth time**

Bought it on bluray for, like, $3 last Black Friday sale. Totally worth three bucks.

Mainly because it lets the people who are constantly surrounded by Yes Men project their private parts thoughts into the wide, wide world.

Is this where we demand Warner Bros. releases the rest of Family Matters on dvd?
Because, seriously, who releases the first four seasons and then just stops? Oh, right, WB..

No Lobot mentions has O'Neal spinning in his grave. Or wherever he's been.

Somebody served him fucking merlot.

So is that guy up there supposed to be a Soc or a Greaser?

In this one he's named Santorum.

Idk the technical term, but I imagine a mix of the EMTs and the guys who put them in body bags and transport to the morgue or w/e it's called.

Hate to sound so hippie-dippy but why the fuck do people have to be such assholes? How fucking hard is it to not murder 100+ people on a Friday night??

To be fair, the arbitrary display of directorial power probably had a bit to do with it.

But she hates America!
And she hasn't even responded to a single of my handwritten letters containing a single strand of my hair!

Oh I agree. It's definitely just a "mean girls" complaint, i.e., I'm just super jelly.

Thanks, I actually have a couple of those in said stack of books.

Mainly the UESP as I played Skyrim to take my mind off that other Bethesda game I won't be able to play for awhile.
Anyone have tips for getting back into reading? Used to read every day but lately I've just been looking at an ever-growing stack of books collecting dust. I guess the best tip is…just read?