King Hodor

That movie really does seem to last like a week. I love it.

Ice sees both sides.

Would be improved 1,000,000x if Corgan becomes an actual TNA wrestler, not just writer.

In my mind The Perfect Host is the sequel to Frasier after Frasier dies and Niles goes insane from the loneliness. And…

But gives poor, ugly schlubs like me a glimmer of hope!!

That's tota understandable.
The first few came out when I was in elementary/intermediate so it wasn't too bad.
I remember waiting in line at midnight for the last one. I was in college by then but so was everyone else in line.
Now though, as an adult with a grown-up job, I don't see myself reading those anywhere but in


Dude, don't worry. With your horrible taste in TV (no offense, but, come on…) you'll more than likely be made a Television Executive before too long.

Squirt FTW! The only one that actually quenches my thirst

GIGGITYGOOBALLS, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and

What's your first wife's number? She sounds hot.

Sure the second one could have been better but it ends right when the action is about to happen! Surely you don't want to miss that?

Hey now - there's plenty of room in this big, wide world for both Simpsons and AD.


I was going to read the interview, but my argument against Guy Branum is a) he just makes my ears hurt. He is just annoying and grating to listen to—that’s A; b) is that I just hate the angry, angsty, disaffected, “We live in this world of muddled media and nobody communicates with each other” and all of that. Or

Then if they could just get that Mr. Tumnus guy….they'd have it made!

They should have left the Spidey mask on longer and the smart-ass quips flowing. Garfield wasn't a bad Spider-Man imo, just had a boring Peter Parker story to work with.

Sam Barsanti morphed into sentient A.I. so gradually we never noticed.

Cros is just doin' it for that sweet, sweet Pono money.

Meanwhile Daryl Hannah sits patiently by the phone…