King Hodor

O'Neal is currently working on a six-issue limited run as we speak.
Story, penciling and Photoshopping all to be done by Sean O'Neal

American Dad for me.
I had a terrible, hallucinations-seein' fever once and the episode where Roger is chasing the family in space was on in the background.
Roger continuously screaming "I SAWW THE SIIIGN!" truly, legitimately freaked me the fuck out. I didn't know if I was actually watching a tv show or a fever dream.

In East Texas, Clinton is still seen as a do-nothing president who couldn't achieve anything.
I'm sure other parts of Texas feels that way but I just haven't had the time to ask them all yet.

I'm not a gen-Xer, but that last paragraph fucking nails my life, and my 5-day-a-week urge to just say 'fuck it', stay home and smoke pot all day instead of actually getting my lazy ass to work.

They're looking for funny…just not outrageously funny.

Thank Alien Jesus for Google.
I came here to proudly say "Live at the Fillmore version FTW!!!" before I realized that, yeahhhh, the Fillmore version IS the one on Tonight's the Night.

Not even Mrs. Doubtfire? The Birdcage? Jumanji?
Not even RV?
…I'm sure there are more but it's early yet so I will need more time to compile my "No Seriously, You Don't Find These Robin Williams Movies Funny?" list.

TMNT III is my favorite of the three Turtles movies.
I still think the first one is the best, but III is my most-watched.

At the back of the tv club review bus, apparently.

One of the few movies I've finished and then immediately restarted it to watch a second time.

I just assume it all goes back to that primordial male urge to fuck a bunch of chicks.
Even Melissa McCarthy.
Especially Melissa McCarthy.

Too much Ecto Cooler.

Came here to make a King of New York reference and it's already in the damn article.
Thanks for letting your humorous writing get in the way of my surely-mediocrely-funny movie reference O'Neal!!!

"….the muscle mass alone…"
"I don't want to have another conversation about muscle mass!"
"No, you'd rather have conversations with video store clerks…"

Man I fucking loved Pacific Rim. I can't explain why, but it is just my kind of movie (and I've never seen any of the original Godzilla/Mothra/Rodan/etc movies or anything like that so it's not a shared love of those..)
Then again, I fucking loved Hellboy 1&2 having not been the least bit familiar with the comics.

Watched Iron Man 3 (loved it!) and Thor 2 (liked it!) for the first time Saturday morning. Then watched them both again Sunday afternoon.
Having been pretty disappointed in Iron Man 2, outside of Rockwell of course, I could not have been happier to hear Shane Black would be directing. And he knocked it out of the

Hoodwinked has that singing blind billy goat that keeps randomly appearing. That's pretty much all I remember about that movie besides Warburton.

Obviously stands for Road Warrior. Santos is Martin Crane.

I came here for the Vegas Vacation quote thread and you people let me down!

"What can I do with 5 dollars??"
"Gee, I don't know. Buy a bullet and rent a gun?"