King Hodor

You don't know when to quit, do ya budman2008?… Here's an idea: Why don't you give me half the money your were gonna bet, then we'll go out back, I'll kick you in the nuts, and we'll call it a day!

Any song sounding remotely reggae-ish? Yep, Bob Marley sang that.
I'm pretty sure I even saw a few Graceland songs attributed to Marley…

I love how O'Neal keeps adding "…starring Val Kilmer and Slash" after just about every mention of Breaking Bad.

Wait, folks around here don't like the Kilmeister??
Man I will watch the dreckiest of straight-to-Netflix movies if the MValP is starring.

Hey I used to like Garden State.
Of course I was a stupid fucking teenager…but I liked it all the same.

Don't forget Stiffler gettin a little off the top…

Have you ever given someone a gift you thought they'd like, then like a year later find that gift still in the shrinkwrap. And then yoink that gift back from them?
Because I did that.
Bought the Final Destination 1-4 DVD set for my sis for Christmas one year (she's a "scary" movie fan). Come October, over at her house

Yep, I came here to say what you said 5 hours ago.
Final Destination 5 is my personal fave but Fast Five is another best one.
Leprechaun In the Hood = Empire Strikes Back

Look, Rabin probably just got laid by some really hot feminist, one he might even see as a MPDG, so his dick-guilt led him to write that apoli-brag of an article.

Such a heartfelt, elegant speech from someone with a 'Nuke the Whales' poster hanging in their bedroom.

True story: Polyester was the first (and only for years) John Waters film I saw. Changed my 15-year-old Southern Baptist ass. For the better, of course.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who immediately thinks of Marino's "Private Eyes" bit from VM every time Ken Marino is brought up in conversation.

Yeah if she was the female version of an incubus (succubus?) I would totally let her rap me til I died.

Wait…are you serious? Only one person got FJ correct??
I was debating on watching the results, but dinner was ready and when I saw how easy the clue was I just knew they would all guess right.

Can anybody explain to me why the only way to watch Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is on YouTube (not doing that) or some $35 DVD?
Why wouldn't some studio want to put that and other Meyer films on BR, or at least rerelease the DVD at a decent price?
Anybody in these parts that can explain this conundrum?

But in the flash-sidewaysverse it was Stan's Goatee who was the first person to bring that up.

*King Hodor tosses Amazon Fire TV into trash can because, fuck it, Gary Busey is gone, guys! He's staring at his pants in heaven, or wherever everyone went.*

Garey Busey!!

C-Zar says, "let them eat cheeze!"

I love The Fifth Element, but I guess if I was Oldman I'd probably hate the movie too. He probably thinks it makes him look like a fig.