King Hodor

Does CBS own the rights to Jeopardy!?
If so…
Introducing 'All New Jeperdy! with Jeff Dunham!'

You know, I can forgive them not guessing Gillian Anderson, only because her name is like the female Dermot McDylan Mulroney.
But How. Inthefuck. Do you not know that no months start with T-Z??
How do you not just buzz in and THEN think about the answer?
Ugh! *angrily yet gingerly throws little boy off of shoulders into

SHe thought the answer read 'gross insurance payments totaling one billion.'

Under the sea, his jaw grinds you, Ho dor, Ho dor, Ho dorrrr.

Is Stephanie Meyer holding a gun to your head making you watch these??
I kid, I kid. You're doing god's work, Narrator!

Too wrinkly….give me Helen Mirren or go to hell!

As someone who has never seen Buffy, I always forget how attractive Sarah Michelle Gellar is, and that she's not the one married to Han Solo.

For years, every time the Twilight-obsessed members of my family asked my opinion of the films all I could muster was:
"Well…it looks *really* good. Like, makes me want to live in Washington-good. And Billy Burke's in it!" And that was the extent of compliments.

No! Because then who'd read it??

I actually have been wanting to replace my long-ago-scratched copy of Texas Chainsaw Massacre so this is fantastic news.

Woah, my ipad randomly remembered my forgotten disqus password.
I'm back baby!

T.G.I.F. is back!
In POG form!!

I want me one of those crocheted suits.
Way too frumpy to pull it off like Crab Man (wait…was he Lobster Man in this ep??) does though.

I like Jimmy too, it's not often I can base my aspirations on such an idiotic (loveably idiotic) character- he can stand to be around his parents for more than a half hour, he has one child (golden amount) and not only did he knock up a hot serial killer, he married a hotly-weird (weirdly-hot) grocery store girl

But if it did go past four seasons all you'd have to do is not watch it, whereas if it got cancelled- those who wanted more would have nothing to watch.
This is what I don't get about people who bitch about the Simpsons still being on, you don't have to watch it and season 20-whatever doesn't diminish how great

Four seasons just ain't going to be enough for this old Hodor.
I need it to go at least 8 seasons, even if it goes well past it's prime. It's a show with such a great cast and supporting cast, it makes up for any inadequacies in the writing. Hard to beat Dillahunt and Plimpton.

Ha doubtful. They'll probably do a zombie or a The Prestige parody so they can bring her back.

"They could star in a Spielberg movie and still end up playing the nutty mom on some sitcom."

4 Layer 2 Cakes

See, I've yet to meet someone (in person) who has read the books (too many pages!- at least they're honest), and any show watchers I know watch it for the bewbs, addictiveness, and because 'everyone else is watching it'. And yet, after episodes like Red Wedding their instinct wasn't to look up what happens