King Hodor

I mean I know all we are going on is anecdotal evidence, but a friend of mine and his lady-friend are big fans of the show but haven't read any of the books.
When I explained why the books are even better on re-read and told him about the R+L=J theory, he said it had never even crossed his mind that was a

They should get AA Dowd to conduct the interview. Reviewer vs. Interviewee.
Let the man who passes the sentence….
Philosophy of Ned Stark and all.

AVC: Hey Dowdie, maybe take it easy on Forte's new movie, we're interviewing him about it soon.

Anyone who's never heard of R+L=J (ie most watchers) would never in a hundred years get that from the cover.
They'll just think "ooooh Khaleesi and John!"

Dude….you won't ever see that last book.
Next to last -maybe-, but never the last one.
Besides the obvious qualms (poor health of author, taking on many many many side projects, etc) I just don't think he cares about ASOIAF series like he used to. I think he's perfectly fine with having the HBO series serve as the

Exactly. Lord of the Rings? What is this, 2002?
I can totally see the SP kids repurposing their LOTR outfits into GOT outfits.

When that woman banged the gong and interrupted Key, the look on his face was priceless.
And I thought the "I pushed the button" sketch was hilarious, mainly because if it was me I'd HAVE to push the button if someone told me I couldn't.

Man for a sec I thought I'd been smoking way too much pot if I lost a whole year.

Don Imus?

@Latent never hears anyone speak about gravity (the natural phenomenon, not Cuaron's phenomenon) anymore so obviously we are all not simultaneously hurtling into space because of tiny suction cups on our feet.

There an echo in this well?

I wonder if the writers wish they'd told the mother's name earlier in the series.
Whatever her name ends up being, the majority of fans will probably hate it.
But if they'd revealed it earlier, fans could've had years to get used to it. Plus every time they introduced a woman with that name it would have an " is that

Corn! Corn! Corn!

Didn't the two-parter where Stan offered the 50(100?)k bounty take place over an extended amount of time too?
Maybe the very last episode will end with one of Roger's personalities stepping out of the vacation goo, his vacation being the whole series.

Two records once every six months…so it takes three years to finish the subscription?
Am I having a brain Hodor or does that seem normal?

They can save that for when they renew their vows.
They'll serve riot juice and wine in cans, of course.

No juggalo kid

As someone who watches Lethal Weapon 1-4 way too much, I loved how Dennis nailed the "real Australian accent breaking through a fake American accent" that happened to Mel Gibson sporadically through the series.

Boooo. Boooo. Boo @hornacek, booooooo

Yeah, not the Rock's best sidekick (Sean William Scott) but he definitely held his own in that movie.