King Hodor

It's called Sex pANTher. It's made from bits of real pANTher.

You fail to see the completeness of the
black oil
alien colonists
super soldiers
will they/won't they tension
what will happen to Vince Gilligan arcs? Ok point taken.

Sweet summer child….
Take your rational "ooooh, what's considered essential viewing changes" thoughts and take 'em somewhere fancier.
This is the AV Club. If you haven't seen the X-Files or Ghostbusters then you can get the hell out!

I always thought this was a cheap 80s horror movie.
When I was a kid my small-town movie store carried either the big name blockbusters or never heard of em scary movies. (I guess the occasional "art film" slipped through.)
This cover used to freak me out for some reason so I never picked it up (plus I was like 7 so I

What a dick.

"I loved Chasing Amy."
"Yeah whatever."
-I imagine this conversation would happen in real life as well.

Gaga is the green one, right?

Yeah, man. What's the vig on this action?

Gaga Does Vegas : 2020
Gaga Does Vegas : 2023

20:1 odds she comes out wearing a bloodstained Miss Piggy coat.
50:1 odds she something somethings with Gonzo's schnoz.
100:1 odds she hologram-duets with Jim Henson.

Streampix sounds like a mobile app for sending cock-shots.
Granted, Netflix/Qwikster/Cox Communications are pretty stupid names too, but Streampix? That's like a dollar store's Coby version of Sony.

Does anyone else miss hangin' around the womb, just zygote-ing the days away?

Just do what I do and move it to your "eh, I may get around to binge-watching it if they ever add it to Netflix/whatever streaming service is popular these days" list of things to watch. And if they don't…well it's not like you're missing a show you really wanted to watch anyways.

Blame it on Fauxlivia.

I fucking love how early SVU had two of the most heinous guys from Oz (well, Winters' character wasn't as bad as Meloni's) play special victims unit police officers.

I keep telling myself I'm not a late 20s man child, but then I find myself disagreeing with most every "popular AVC opinion" there is.
I fucking loved That's My Boy.
I enjoyed it because Samberg was the straight man for once and Sandler was back to his "yelling loudly and crudely, R-rated" phase.
Plus, I kept cracking up

Or maybe just a 20 something with normal worries, just with a much bigger audience to share them with?

me 2 LOL!!!!!!1!!!

RDM can just look at those flowing locks of his and premature ejaculate.

The picture over at the THR website is even better, globes-wise.