King Hodor

Reposted THR Comments Gimmick Poster:

Spike Lee just tweeted……dammit where's Senor Spielbergo when you need him?…Harvey Keitel's address? I got nothin'.

Who hasn't hit their wife a time or two? I'm sure she deserved it anyways.

Seeing them live has been on my to-do list for awhile.
In My Hodor Opinion, they are one of the closest things to a "70s-style rock n roll" band America still has. What with the jammin out and the tunes and the long hair and the jello puddin'

"Don' know whe'er I'm da boxah oh da bag ohhh oh yeaah"

"Lay it down I'm a Crook for life On Tape."

Well, do you enjoy listening to live music on cd(or whatever the kids use nowadays)?
I always find myself going back to their Live at the Gorge 7-discer and '98s Live on Two Legs.

I caught a few mins of the episode before it while folding laundry. I saw the part where Jesse escapes his cell(?) and gets cornered. Cut to Brock's mom's house.
"Hey what's that nice Mormon boy doing knocking on her door? What? No don't go outside, Brock's mom….HOLY FUCK THAT MORMON GUY JUST BLEW BROCK'S MOM'S

dude if you're going to answer your own question.
I felt like, "why not watch it, it's been pretty obvious that Walt is going to kick the bucket by the end of the show from something."
Plus, I knew you jabronis (and all of the internet) would spoil the ending anyways so why not spoil it on my own terms.

James Brown, Jimmy Page, Chris Brown, etc. were all discussed as well.
Something something Roman Polanski.

(my opinions, not trying to start yet another Lennon v. McCartney war)
I always preferred Lennon back in my "angsty, everybody sucks" High School Years.
Now that I'm in my "everybody still sucks, but you know, whatever" Late 20s Years, I much prefer McCartney's stuff over Lennon.
It's pop, but dammit Pop music doesn't

SPOILERS, I guess.

That Gary Sanchez fella sure knows what he's doin.

This is Hollywood, where high schoolers are 32 year olds. Makes sense to me.

I don't remember Walt ever falling in love with a Mexican girl, but then again I have missed the whole last season except the finale.
Also, I can't watch the vidya at work so that might, you know, explain it.

I caught the ending of Origins and thought Ryan Reynolds was playing Baraka from Mortal Kombat or something.

Silent Wife- the only good type of wife there is, amiright fellas?

I feel like I'm on drugs.
Well, more drugs than usual..

I'm on my first re-read of ASOIAF (started ACOK of the weekend), but haven't read the D&E stories yet.
You guys think I should wait until I finish the series again, wait until I finish a certain book, or just read them whenever I can find them? Just wondering if they enhance/hinder/have no effect on reading ASOIAF.

I can't handle two badass games at once, so I've been waiting until I get tired of Skyrim before I buy GTA5.
It's been two years and I'm still not tired of Skyrim (even my buggy PS3 version)….