King Hodor

Take Off Your Pants and JackIt's Getting Better All the Time.

Ringo only wrote two songs but I'd say he's definitely 2/2.
Don't Pass Me By - seriously fucking good country-rock song what with the piano and violin.
Octopus's Garden - may be a "kid's" song but I think it stands strong even today. Before you make fun of me, listen to it again with the speakers cranked, it's an

Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey - Lennon
Why Don't We Do It In the Road?
Helter Skelter
Her Majesty (greatest 23-second song ever)
Martha My Dear
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Rocky Raccoon
Sgt. Pepper's/SP Reprise
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Wild Honey Pie
You Never Give Me

Yeah it's like the Disqus and Kinja comment streams got crossed over there.

"Obama's my abortion-surviving trans-gender-child's father and now he wants me to gay marry it!"

Liking Polanski's films make you pro-molestation?
Come with me into my Rape Rap Music Van..

"Yes, those are lovely but that doesn't quite answer my question."

"Try Gillette's all-new SeptaBlade Ultra-Razor. For a really, really fucking close shave- try the SeptaBlade TODAY!"

In the Republicans defense, it's not like they're talking about rape rape.

He also plays a very Munch-like character on Lois and Clark.
In one episode Clark gets amnesia and Munch is like "Lois, he doesn't remember who he is, who you are, or even who I am."
The weird thing is, I doubt the audience even knew who he was (besides obviously being Munch) because it was like the first episode he was

No love for his groundbreaking performance as the chicken-nugget-cooking, grandmother-three-way-having "Vanilla Ice" in That's My Boy??

In 20 years when children go to their grandmother's house, a wall hanging/clock of "Ninja Turtles Footsteps in the Sand" will be proudly displayed above the kitchen table. Next to the corded phone.

Will it have Arnold Vosloo as the mummy-lawyer?
He makes people on the stand swear to the Book of the Dead instead of a Bible.
He then removes their tongue and eyes if they proceed to lie under oath…or if he just needs a new face.

Theresa is welcome to have Hodor babies with me anytime she wants.

And that's…how babies are made.

*terrible British accent* "I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a long time."

Where I live is the complete opposite.
Beer and wine can only be sold in stores like gas stations/grocery stores. Of course if a town allows the Devil's spirits, they must be sold solely in liquor/beer/wine stores.

"…then I'm gonna fuck you in that sandy asshole."
Peele was killin it in that sketch

Brosnan was the second best bond (Dalton #1) but had the best movies.

There's nothing more infuriating than having a young family member who, despite having had concussions and extended periods of erratic eye behavior associated with those concussions, wants to play football so bad because- well all his heroes are football players.
That's not the infuriating part, that's being 14. What