King Hodor

But how would you remove the aggressive actions from football gameplay? short of turning the NFL into flag football?

Hell, people stop giving a rats ass about players when they switch teams, getting them to care about them after they quit the league- when shiny new players are added every year- I'd say it's nigh impossible.

.gif of Stephen Colbert flipping over game board and screaming GODDAMMIT!! at a kid

Hodor? I hardly know her!

I'm a huge fan too.
I just love that Outback Steakhouse song!

More like Assahola Colm Meanry, amiright fellas!?

-Simpsons Joke Inserter-
(Seeing Double Here)
(140 commercials!)
***processing variables***
(280 endorsements!)
***maximum laughter achieved***
***booting down***

"If you don't read and enjoy O'Neal's newswires then fuck you!"
-Ricky (Ron Burgundy) Bobby

But what does she think about those God-Particle guys winning the Nobel Prize?
She's probably all "phfff, I don't even own a God-Particle album."

She was just pissed they cut to black and played a Journey song instead of one of her hits.

Iiii dunno, in my copy of the movie the Doc would have to burst in with a cure for "bullet wound to the face/head-region."

I don't understand why Obama doesn't just use his Seal Team Six squad to take out those who are impeding the government.
Drop a few freedom bombs on these TeaNuthouse-ers and we can all move on from this shutdown/furlough mess.
Show some balls, Democrats!!

Oliver Sava IS the Clit Commander!

But she posed for America's sleazy, heroin-addicted uncle Terry Richardson!
It doesn't get more edgy than that!

If by homely you meant comely then, yeah, she is very comely.

I got my A machine in the table
I got my B machine in the drawer

Yeah, I'm gonna have to set my crown on the ground and check out this purple-pant-clad Ms. Krauss for myself…

Sun Ra.
Sun Ra.
Lord Quas.

I loved how the only showed her from the neck down.
Like the Dr. Seuss cartoons not for perv reasons!

How do we really know that life isn't just what we imagine as we stare into the HYPNOTOAD