King Hodor

Not really sure where to ask questions around here, but:
Any chance we could get an Adult Swim Late Night Roundup or something where us insomniacs, stoners, graveyard-shift workers, etc. can discuss the Eric Andre Show and Hot Package?
Doesn't have to be a review, just an open page where we can comment (like the

The Blonde Goat of Arizona

This is 2013 not 1594 you rapscallion.

Is this a "Reposted Childrens Hospital AV Club Review Comments" from ten years in the future?

Sy was killin' it as the tv show producer.

You know, I'm use to seeing the occasional common themes between this show and children's hospital, but that was some damn good synergy between Adult Swim and Turner Classic Movies.


Given their track record lately it'd probably be Argo 2.

That's one long response for something you misread.
He said he "ain't no good with less-than-legal viewing methods"
not "I am scared of torrenting."

"Few betting men would wager on Ben Affleck being the highlight of a movie…"
Uh…didn't a whole movie studio just make this bet?

The gang added a new word to their lexicon of excellent line readings.
They already have "goddamit!"
And tonight they added "weed."
Something about the way they say those just crack me up every time. I'm sure I'm forgetting some others.


Yeah I loved how Country Mac jumping off the bridge looked like City Mac edited it in post-production

Probably could've used a B story.

Next week: airplane food?

I loved the Sinbad episode and the "wheel of fortune" segment.
"I'll move to North Korea. I'll….I'll just move to North Korea."

God every time I see Bubbles climb those stairs at the end I blubber like a baby.
Granted, the Wire makes me cry more manly man-tears than any other show (the entirety of season 4, for instance).

Frodo was dead the entire time.
Even typing out the suicide note in episode 1 was just part of his death-throes-dream as he fell into the lava of Mount Doom.

I know we're supposed to hate Jason Gann around here because IRL he's a drunken asshole but dammit, he nails the dog humor.

Voyage was always my favorite book as a kid because of that aimless wandering. It fleshed out the world Narnia resides in instead of just the land (country?state?province?) of Narnia.