King Hodor

What, are you 12?

You mean LOST didn't end when Juliet was bashing that nuke with a rock and the screen went white?

Why does Colombian Hank look the most like an actual drug dealer?

Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, George Bahhhhnks- that's you!

Gotta say I'm digging The Goldbergs. And yeah the home movies at the end are great, Goldberg probably has years of great material to incorporate into the show.

My local channel plays two Jeopardys in a row so this might be an older episode, but:
That woman who had everyone beat by like $20k and all she does is giggle like a nervous school girl over and over and over….my god is she annoying. Stop giggling! Jeopardy ain't a game it's a way of life!

Thanks Bigtits!
I've been wanting to watch Evil Dead 2 again after watching the original and the remake last month.

Yeah for me Splinter Cell was my first foray into stealth games (having never played metal gear) and the first rainbow 6 game I played (Vegas? Vegas 2? Not sure) was the complete opposite of all the FPS games I had played up to that point. Instead of just being all gung-ho Rambo one- man killing-machine, you actually

Good call. I even think I have a $20 BN gift card floating around somewhere…

How is the original House of Wax?
I'm actually a fan of the remake (everyone remembers it as that Paris Hilton one, but I think of it as the Brian Van Holt one) but have never seen the '53 version.
Rent/Buy/or Skip?

Gee thanks Mr. Narrator!

Broke until payday…..which of course is Thursday.
Damn you Criterion!
Now I have to wait on an Amazon sale.

Damn you Ack Ack! I stayed up as late as my Hodoring eyes could stay open waiting on this review just so I could post:
Even though my knowledge of Dr. Strange comes through his appearances in other comics (like the recent Deadpool-kills-zombie-presidents run) and from T. Rex's 'Mambo Sun'….I think Dr. Strange played a

They have to send all the cool stuff up in space so that the Guardians Of The Galaxy can find them later.

I mean…the way she kind of, stepped back into the shadows with her phone out while the gang's downing Dos Equis….between Ming Na, the "ocular pat-down" guy, and Coulson…yeah I'm pretty sure that not only do they know, but that the plane is able to intercept all incoming/outgoing messages as well.

I don't see this show ever getting anything higher than an A-….but I'm perfectly alright with that. Despite some clunky dialogue, overuse of Chekhov's whatever (this ep the safety guide), and the "lesson learned" moments ("you gave them a common enemy" "we finally learned to work together"), I have a feeling this


Handlen didn't come to your house and force you to click on the link.

It's a shame Casey didn't get to bust out his wizard rap skills.
He can kill a hill giant with the flick of his wrist.

Everybody's a DJ nowadays…..