King Hodor

He's like Milton from Office Space.
Nobody specifically told George to go home…

Ladies and gentlemen… I've traveled over half our state to be here tonight. I couldn't get away sooner because my new well was coming in at Coyote Hills and I had to see about it. That well is now flowing at two thousand barrels and it's paying me an income of five thousand dollars a week. I have two others drilling

jus cus a cat has kittins in a oven don' make em biskits!

Are you claiming that Rocketman isn't an American masterpiece?

Live-action The Aristocats or gtfo.

My guess - "thug life" tattoo across his chest.

That's a bargain for the two best hired guns west of the Mississippi.

Chris Hardwicke's already sent his résumé to CBS.

You'd think after 60-odd episodes I'd know to expect Walt in the kitchen, but when she hung up and he just stepped out from behind the column, all I could muster was "oh shit!"

"I'm in a fuckin' Cameron Crowe movie!"
Jesse dies, only so he can be reborn with bleached hair.


"What a day, eh Milhouse? The sun is out, birds are singin’, bees are trying to have sex with them—as is my understanding."
-Lines such as this, ladies and gentlemen, is why the word guffaw was invented.

I really, really like Rosemary's Baby , The Pianist, etc.
I really, really do not like that he drugged and raped a 13 yr old.

Bring back Crystal Pepsi and we'll talk.

Hey maybe spend less time with the 1 percenters and you'll realize people can enjoy a piece of entertainment AND rib on the slightly less interesting parts. Out of thousands of pages, a few of them are bound to be duds.
'Scuse me if listening to a 14 year old girl's inner monologue about how she REALLY wants to fuck

flips through book
"Hmmm….no pictures."
takes out pen, doodles boobies in margins
"Much better…"

Here @Murray—Present , have some honeyed locusts won't you?

Winter is….about to happen

"For those who loved watching Dany watch paint dry in Qaarth, you'll love 'Tiger Beat posters on her wall' Dany in Mereen!"

AGOT is almost scene for scene with season 1 isn't it.
With ACOKings, though, you can tell starting with the prologue that things are going to deviate/be combined for season 2. (Haven't seen season 3 yet.)
The third one really is worth reading. ( and the fourth and the fifth….)