King Hodor

At least it's only a ten ep limited run.
I hate to think of the string of guest stars they'd trot out for the "wood chipper visit of the week" after the second season.

I dunno, I enjoyed Yates' Harry Potter movies enough but Iceman vs. Waltz is what really interests me.
Hopefully it's more John Carter and less gritty reboot Snow White & The Huntsman.

That's one of my favorite "burgeoning cable tv" jokes from back in the day. All the super-specific niche cable channels. Like the Rocko's ML episode where he gets that big-ass tv and cable.

God, TCM is great.
Still no commercials (fuck you IFC! You had better movies before you sold out. If all that commercial money goes towards Aukerman's show then you've made a terrible mistake.)
They still have "theme" nights.
They play everything from Edison shorts and early silent films to near-modern day (Minority

CNN at this point is no better than Fox News. They are merely coasting on their past reputation as the "more fair than the other networks" network.

Have you actually watched any of the new Al Jazeera that's on tv? It's a pretty recent addition, like it's still named something else on the channel guide.

I agree with almost everything (I live in rural Deep South and everyone watches reality tv) you said, but if you're baffled by the continued existence of it, then I can say with 100% certainty you don't work in the television industry.

I, too, thought the daughter storyline (collecting unique friends to make up for a lack of personality) was pretty spot-on. I've known too many teenagers, and def. college-age kids, who have done the very same thing.

I think he was a cop in RIOT?
There was also The Champion where he played an ex-boxer turned preacher who has to get in the ring for One Last Fight!

"Es muy malvavisco"
C'mon these spanish puns practically write themselves.

What about-
Thomas Edison: Patent Protector.
Travels around the northeast US finding various patent-holders, then beats them up and steals the patent for himself.
Later his victims, penniless and broken, commit suicide.
CBS at 8!

This news is like a punch in the guts.

Anybody's theater (theatre?!?) department put this show on while they were in school?

You jest, but Martha Stewart has always been a fox.

Hey I got that giant's blood in me.

"This man has no penis."

I don't get all these cereal jokes!!!

If the AV Club went 24 hours without mentioning Breaking Bad, it would implode and we would be taken down with it.

AV Club givin' me all kinds of reasons to keep talking about the future Mrs. Hodor today!

Kurt Russell should be in every movie.