King Hodor

@avclub-bfaa543c0bd80ed5e567ea123e913430:disqus  and @avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus
Yes, I would love to let her Hodor my Hodor.

1994 was TWENTY years ago?!!?!?
I still feel like it's anywhere between 1997-2000 at any given time.

How do you think Black Francis feels being his son?

I'd rather have a kid with Miley Cyrus, then make said kid listen to Metallica really loud while I go have sex with his mother again.

Any time you meet a person and they say something along the lines of "I'm really into Metallica. I just love that Enter Sandman song'"….walk away from that person.

Yeah it's popular to hate on Load and Reload, but the Black album is my least favorite. I've heard enter sandman and don't tread on me enough times to last a lifetime.
He'll, I even like St. Anger in that " I'm glad James and Co. made this instead of working out their anger on their families" way (plus I just kinda

Maybe it was the fog in the room, but between Patrick Warburton and that gotdang singing goat coming out of nowhere, I remember liking the first movie. The second one does kinda blow, however.

Was that Sean William Scott?? I fuckin' love Sean William Scott!!

Hey we all gotta die sometime, a JGL black hole is pretty low on the " worst ways to go " list.

Obviously Edgar Wright's the only director to ever utilize quick-cuts.

"Pun fanatics will certainly get their fill.."
I have to admit that leek-in-the-boat groaner had me chuckling when I saw the commercial.
I'll put in the same category as Hoodwinked Too; catch it on a Sunday morning on Netflix or TV.

No way this is better than Carman's R.I.O.T..
It' a Righteous! Invasion! Of Truth!

Damn, JGL got beat by an extra-long Metallica music video.

I'm honestly surprised Kathy Bates hasn't just kidnapped him and forced him to finish yet.

I wouldn't mind if they pulled that in the show. Couldn't HBO have cast Sean Bean in a role that makes it relatively close to the end?
We lose Bean and get that doucheku from Tremé and Nashville. Oh, and of course Carcetti grew up to be Littlefinger, only makes sense.

I don't remember the specific episode, but when Dale is wearing that suit of armor.
Cut to the Hill's eating breakfast, window behind Hank, Dale on the roof in full armor and proceeds to swan dive off it.
I'm in tears every time I see that.

Didn't think of that but it makes sense. I thought it looked pretty neat.
Even though they look very different, the new opening had a Simpsons-vibe to it.

You think TBoM makes them more money than 17 years of new SP episodes, DVDs, syndication deals, merchandising, video games, etc.?

A wizard did it.

Moving the episode title card before the series title card was one of the best post-season 1 decisions they made. After adding Devito, of course.