King Hodor

That's his "I just ate an entire Elijah Wood" face.

del Toro even directed this Newswire!

Netflix and FXX (bc I don't see FOX going for this)could split the costs, pull an Anger Management and make a hundred of them, put them up on Instant, then let FXX treat them like syndicated reruns and run 'em whenever.
Or something. Obviously I haven't consumed enough cocaine to think like a TV exec yet.

Thank you! I thought it was just the afternoon fugue taking over.

No to jump on the " everything should move to Netflix" bandwagon, but a show like The Mindy Project would be better placed on Netflix Instant.
I think it's a pretty funny show, but on Netflix it's there if you want to watch it but not taking up a time slot on a network that would better serve something like Nine-Nine.

Damn. Guess I'll need to just be less of a cheapskate then.

LOL WTF is a terri schiavo?

Madonna cuts herself to "Needle in the Hay."

You don't say.
Tell me more of these…..comic..books?

Gordon Year Zero
Greatness In It's Future Lies
Or It Might Hodor

So you think the villains will already be established or will we be seeing origin stories for them as well?
Like the joker could be this Al Bundy-type guy forced to work in the Cosmetics dept. at JC Penny who slowly goes insane and puts on the all the makeup he sells to mirror his customers' vanity before going on a

Where's G.R.R.M. to describe my grumpy cakes in only 12 short paragraphs?

Commissioner Gordon: Year Zero.
Could be really great.
Will probably suck though.

Broke-Ass AVC Members Like Myself:

Still waiting on the redbox to get IM3 so I can finally watch it, but I was so disappointed with IM2 that it just has to be better, right?

For those familia with the…Marvelverse, the woman who Coulson recruited to "just drive the bus"- Melinda maybe? Is she someone from the comics or movies? The agent who kinda looked like Daniel Grayson from Revenge acted like she was someone well-known (at least in SHIELD)

When she was talking all that crap in the van about how no one could find her, I was just rolling my eyes.
Then Coulson immediately shows up and she turned into an actual character instead of just a hacker-stereotype.

After they shot him in the head, I guess i missed the part where they showed he was still alive so for about ten long seconds, it looked like everyone was just grinning at each other for blowin' a guys brains out.
Then the scene changed and they mentioned something about vital signs being stable.

Not rape rape.

eucalyptakor is so obviously just an anagram of David Goyer, jigs up DG!